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Поступление с 30.06.2021 по 30.08.2021
- Computer Aided Verification, Part II: Proc./33rd International Conference, CAV 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Cross-Cultural Design, Part III: Applications in Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Autonomous Vehicles, and Intelligent Agents: Proc./13th International Conference, CCD 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Наталья Алексеевна Притвиц: Хранитель знаний
- Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management, Part I: Human Body, Motion and Behavior: Proc./12th International Conference, DHM 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management, Part II: AI, Product and Service: Proc./12th International Conference, DHM 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- HCI in Games, Part I: Experience Design and Game Mechanics: Proc./3rd International Conference, HCI-Games 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- HCI in Games, Part II: Serious and Immersive Games: Proc./3rd International Conference, HCI-Games 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Learning and Collaboration Technologies, Part II: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning: Proc./8th International Conference, LCT 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Learning and Collaboration Technologies, Part I: New Challenges and Learning Experiences: Proc./8th International Conference, LCT 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Cross-Cultural Design, Part II: Applications in Arts, Learning, Well-being, and Social Development: Proc./13th International Conference, CCD 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Cross-Cultural Design, Part I: Experience and Product Design Across Cultures: Applications: Proc./13th International Conference, CCD 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Cultural and Computing, Part I: Interactive Cultural Heritage and Arts: Proc./9th International Conference, C&C 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Cultural and Computing, Part II: Design Thinking and Cultural Computing: Proc./9th International Conference, C&C 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Adaptive Instructional Systems, Part II: Adaptation Strategies and Methods: Proc./3rd International Conference, AIS 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Adaptive Instructional Systems, Part I: Design and Evaluation: Proc./3rd International Conference, AIS 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Privacy Technologies and Policy: Proc./9th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2021, Oslo, Norway, June 2021
- Rigorous State-Based Methods: Proc./8th International Conference, ABZ 2021, Ulm, Germany, June 2021
- Pattern Recognition: Proc./13th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2021, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2021
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Proc./19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust: Revised Selected Papers/9th International Workshop, STAST 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 2019
- NASA Formal Methods: Proc./13th International Conference, NFM 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021
- The Semantic Web: Proc./18th International Conference, ESWC 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: Proc./42nd International Conference, PETRI NETS 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: Proc./8th International Conference, SSVM 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021
- Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: Proc./21st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2021 Held as Part of the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2021, Valetta, Malta, June 2021
- Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: Proc./PAKDD 2021 Workshops WSPA, MLMEIN, SDPRA, and AI4EPT, Delhi, India, May 2021
- Formal Concept Analysis: Proc./16th International Conference, ICFCA 2021, Strasbourg, France, June 2021
- Logics in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./17th European Conference, JELIA 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021
- Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Proc./9th International Conference, DAPI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: Proc./8th International Conference, HCIBGO 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Proc./13th International Conference, VAMR 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Social Computing and Social Media, Part I: Experience Design and Social Network Analysis: Proc./13th International Conference, SCSM 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Social Computing and Social Media, Part II: Applications in Marketing, Learning, and Health: Proc./13th International Conference, SCSM 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications: Proc./2nd International Conference, MOBILE 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Human-Computer Interaction, Part I: Theory Methods and Tools: Proc./Thematic Area, HCI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, Part II: Supporting Everyday Life Activities: Proc./Thematic Area, HCI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Human Interface and the Management of Information, Part I: Information Presentation and Visualization: Proc./Thematic Area, HIMI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Human Interface and the Management of Information, Part II: Information-Rich and Intelligent Environments: Proc./Thematic Area, HIMI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Design, User Experience, and Usability, Part I: UX Research and Design: Proc./10 International Conference, DUXU 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Design, User Experience, and Usability, Part II: Design and Diversity, Well-being, and Social Development: Proc./10 International Conference, DUXU 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Design, User Experience, and Usability, Part III: Design for Contemporary Technological Environments: Proc./10 International Conference, DUXU 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automative Systems: Proc./3rd International Conference, MobTAS 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Artificial Intelligent in HCI: Proc./2nd International Conference, AI-HCI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Augmented Cognition: Proc./15th International Conference, AC 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Proc./18th International Conference, EPCE 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology: Proc./1st International Joint Conference, DGMM 2021, Uppsala, Sweden, May 2021
- Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition: Revised Selected Papers/3rd International Workshop, RRPR 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021
- Model and Data Engineering: Proc./10th International Conference, MEDI 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 2021
- Implementation and Application of Automata: Proc./25th International Conference, CIAA 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Persuasive Technology: Proc./16th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2021, Virtual Event, April 2021
- Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2020 Workshops: Proc./AIOps, CFTIC, STRAPS, AI-PA, AI-IOTS, and Satellite Events, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 2020
- Network and Parallel Computing: Revised Selected Papers/17th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, NPC 2020, Zhengzhou, China, September 2020
- End-User Development: Proc./8th International Symposium, IS-EUD 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Reversible Computation: Proc./13th International Conference, RC 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: Proc./11th International Conference, FIMH 2021, Stanford,CA,USA, June 2021
- Information Processing in Medical Imaging: Proc./27th International Conference, IPMI 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Graph Transformation: Proc./14th International Conference, ICGT 2021, Held as Part of STAF 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: Proc./18th International Conference, CPAIOR 2021, Vienna, Austria, July 2021
- Combinatorial Algorithms: Proc./32nd International Workshop, IWOCA 2021, Ottawa,ON,Canada, July 2021
- Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Part I: Proc./19th International Conference, ACNS 2021, Kamakura, Japan, June 2021
- Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Part II: Proc./19th International Conference, ACNS 2021, Kamakura, Japan, June 2021
- Membrane Computing: Revised Selected Papers/21st International Conference, CMC 2020, Virtual Event, september 2020
- Logic, Computation and Rigorous Methods: Essays Dedicated to Egon Börger on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday
- Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems: Proc./41st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2021 Held as Part of the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2021, Valetta, Malta, June 2021
- Coordination Models and Languages: Proc./23rd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2021, Held as Part of the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2021, Valetta, Malta, June 2021
- Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Methods: Revised Selected Papers/10th International Workshop,, SOFL+MSVL 2020, Singapore, March 2021
- Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: Proc./20th International Conference, MOTOR 2021, Irkutsk, Russia, July 2021
- Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust: Revised Selected Papers/10th International Workshop,, STAST 2020, Virtual Event, September 2020
- Applied Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools, and Applications: Proc./17th International Symposium, ARC 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part I: Proc./12th International Conference, ICSI 2021, Qingdao, China, July 2021
- Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part II: Proc./12th International Conference, ICSI 2021, Qingdao, China, July 2021
- The Once-Only Principle: The TOOP Project
- Blended Learning: Re-thinking and Re-defining the Learning Process: Proc./14th International Conference, ICBL 2021, Nagoya, Japan, August 2021
- Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: Proc./18th International Conference, DIMVA 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: Proc./14th International Conference, SBP-BRiMS 2021, International Conference July 2021
- Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2021, Part I: Proc./40th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croatia, October 2021
- Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2021, Part II: Proc./40th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croatia, October 2021
- Computer Science - Theory and Applications: Proc./16th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2021, Sochi, Russia, July 2021
- Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences: Revised Selected Papers/10th International Conference, ICCASS 2020, Virtual Event, December 2020
- Automated Deduction - CADE 28: Proc./28th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems: Revised Selected Papers/3rd International Workshop, EXTRAAMAS 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021
- Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part I: Artificial Intelligence Practices: Proc./34th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2021
- Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part II: From Theory to Practice: Proc./34th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2021
- Intelligent Computer Mathematics: Proc./14th International Conference, CICM 2021, Timisoara, Romania, July 2021
- New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected Papers/JSAI-isAI, 2020 Workshops, JURISIN, LENLS 2020 Workshops, Virtual Event, November 2020
- Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./14th International Conference, MIWAI 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- AIxIA 2020 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected Papers/XIXth International Conference on the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Event, November 2020
- Computer Aided Verification, Part I: Proc./33rd International Conference, CAV 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- 2021 Вестник Высшей Аттестационной комиссии при Минобрнауки России №2
- 2021 Вестник Высшей Аттестационной комиссии при Минобрнауки России №3
- 2021 Программирование №4
- 2021 Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений №2
- 2021 Наука и жизнь №8
- 2020 Идеи и идеалы №4-1
- 2021 Идеи и идеалы №1-1
- 2021 Идеи и идеалы №2-1
- 2019 Идеи и идеалы №3-1
- 2021 Наука и жизнь №7
- 2017 Идеи и идеалы №2
- 2020 Идеи и идеалы №2-1
- 2021 Проблемы информатики №1
- 2021 Проблемы информатики №2
- 2021 Онтология проектирования №2