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Поступление с 04.09.2021 по 04.10.2021
- Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: Proc./18th International Conference, QEST 2021, Paris, France, August 2021
- Algorithms and Data Structures: Proc./17th International Symposium, WADS 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction: Proc./5th IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Electronic Participation: Proc./13th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2021, Granada, Spain, September 2021
- Model Checking Software: Proc./27th International Symposium, SPIN 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Revised Selected Papers/12th TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2020, Tokyo, Japan, August 2020
- Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./25th European Conference, ADBIS 2021, Tartu, Estonia, August 2021
- Developments in Language Theory: Proc./25th International Conference, DLT 2021, Porto, Portugal, August 2021
- Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXV: Proc./35th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference, DBSec 2021, Calgart, Canaca, July 2021
- Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Workshops: Proc./ ACNS 2021 Satellite Workshops AIBlock, AIHWS, AIoTS, CIMSS, Cloud S&P, SCI, SecMT, and SiMLA, Kamakura, Japan, June 2021
- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: Proc./19th International Conference, FORMATS 2021, Paris, France, August 2021
- Trends in Functional Programming: Revised Selected Papers/22nd International Symposium, TFP 2021, Virtual Event, February 2021
- Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: Proc./26th International Conference, FMICS 2021, Paris, France, August 2021
- Selected Areas in Cryptography: Revised Selected Papers/27th International Conference, Halifax,NS, Canada (Virtual Event), October 2020
- Post-Quantum Cryptography: Proc./12th International Workshop, PQCrypto 2021, Daejeon, South Korea, July 2021
- Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: SAFECOMP 2021 Workshops: Proc./DECSoS, MAPSOD, DepDevOps, USDAL, and WAISE, York, UK, September 2021
- Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems: Proc./17th International Conference, MobiWIS 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Architecture of Computing Systems: Proc./34th International Conference, ARCS 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes: Proc./8th and 9th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, IPAV 2020 + IPAV 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- The Semantic Web : ESWC 2021 Satellite Events: Revised Selected Papers/ Virtual Event, June 2021
- Brain-Inspired Computing: Revised Selected Papers/4th International Workshop, BrainComp 2019, Cetraro, Italy, July 2019
- The Next Wave of Sociotechnical Design: Proc./16th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2021, Kristiansand, Norway, August 2021
- Cyberspace Safety and Security: Proc./12th International Symposium, CSS 2020, Haikou, China, December 2020
- Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Part I: Proc./14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 2021
- Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Part II: Proc./14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 2021
- Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Part III: Proc./14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 2021
- Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/21st Workshop, CLSW 2020, Hong Kong, China, May 2020
- Text, Speech, and Dialogue: Proc./24th International Conference, TSD 2021, Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 2021
- Multi-Agent Systems: Revised Selected Papers/18th European Conference, EUMAS 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Chinese Computational Linguistics: Proc./20th China National Conference, CCL 2021, Hohhot, China, August 2021
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Proc./17th International Conference, ITS 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Geometric Science of Information: Proc./5th International Conference, GSI 2021, Paris, France, July 2021
- Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: Proc./25th Annual Conference, MIUA 2021, Oxford, UK, July 2021
- Connecting with Computability: Proc./17th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
- Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2021: Proc./24th International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2021
- Approximation and Online Algorithms: Revised Selected Papers/18th International Workshop, WAOA 2020, Virtual Event, September 2020
- Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021, Part I: Proc./18th IFIP TC 12 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 2021
- Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021, Part II: Proc./18th IFIP TC 12 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 2021
- Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021, Part III: Proc./18th IFIP TC 12 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 2021
- Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021, Part IV: Proc./18th IFIP TC 12 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 2021
- Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021, Part V: Proc./18th IFIP TC 12 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 2021
- Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Part IV:Tools and Trends: Proc./9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 2020
- Computational Science - ICCS 2021, Part IV: Proc./21st International Conference, Krakov, Poland, June 2021
- Computational Science - ICCS 2021, Part V: Proc./21st International Conference, Krakov, Poland, June 2021
- Computational Science - ICCS 2021, Part VI: Proc./21st International Conference, Krakov, Poland, June 2021
- Advances in Information and Computer Security: Proc./16th International Workshop on Security, IWSEC 2021, Virtual Event, September 2021
- Euro-Par 2021: Parallel Processing : Proc./27th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Lisbion, Portugal, September 2021
- Software Architecture: Proc./15th European Conference, ECSA 2021, Virtual Event, Sweden, September 2021
- Business Process Management: Proc./19th International Conference, BPM 2021, Rome, Italy, September 2021
- Advances in Computational Intelligence, Part I: Proc./16th International Work-Conference on Artficial Neural Networks, IWANN 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Advances in Computational Intelligence, Part II: Proc./16th International Work-Conference on Artficial Neural Networks, IWANN 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
- Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing: Proc./27th International Conference, CollabTech 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: Proc./12th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2021, Virtual Event, September 2021
- Algorithmic Game Theory: Proc./14th International Symposium, SAGT 2021, Aarhus, Denmark, September 2021
- Combinatorics on Words: Proc./13th International Conference, WORDS 2021, Rouen, France, September 2021
- OpenMP: Enabling Massive Node-Level Parallelism: Proc./17th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2021, Bristol, UK, September 2021
- Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: Proc./23rd International Workshop, CASC 2021, Sochi, Russia, September 2021
- Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: Proc./18th International Conference, TrustBus 2021, Virtual Event, September 2021
- Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2021 Workshops, Part I: Proc./Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2021
- Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2021 Workshops, Part II: Proc./Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2021
- Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, Part I: Proc./17th International Conference, ICIC 2021, Shenzhen, China, August 2021
- Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, Part II: Proc./17th International Conference, ICIC 2021, Shenzhen, China, August 2021
- Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, Part III: Proc./17th International Conference, ICIC 2021, Shenzhen, China, August 2021
- Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2021, Part I: Proc./41st Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2021, Part II: Proc./41st Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2021, Part III: Proc./41st Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2021, Part IV: Proc./41st Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2021, Virtual Event, August 2021
- Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: Proc./16th International Conference, HAIS 2021, Bilbao, Spain, September 2021
- Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./19th Conference of the Spain Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2020/2021, Málaga, Spain, September 2021
- Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: Proc./18th International Conference, MDAI 2021, Umeá, Sweden, September 2021
- Frontiers of Combining Systems: Proc./13th International Symposium, FroCoS 2021, Birmingham, UK, September 2021
- Diagrammatic Representation and Inference: Proc./12th International Conference, Diagrams 2021, Virtual, September 2021
- Computational Methods in Systems Biology: Proc./19th International Conference, CMSB 2021, Bordeaux, France, September 2021
- Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: Proc./40th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2021 , York, UK, September 2021
- Web and Big Data, Part II: Proc./5th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2021, Guangzhou, China, August 2021
- Web and Big Data, Part I: Proc./5th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2021, Guangzhou, China, August 2021
- Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc./16th International Conference, PaCT 2021, Kalinigrad, Russia, September 2021
- Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2021: Proc./18th International Colloquium, Virtual Event, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, September 2021
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLIX: Special ISSUE on Data Management - Principles, Technologies and Applications
- Spatial Data and Intelligence: Proc./2nd International Conference, SpatiaIDI 2021, Hangzhou, China, April 2021
- Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Proc./25th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2021, Virtual Event, September 2021
- Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society: Proc./20th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, I3E 2021, Galway, Ireland, September 2021
- Electronic Government: Proc./20th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2021, Granada, Spain, September 2021
- Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: Proc./20th International Conference, CISIM 2021, Ełk, Poland, September 2021