Новые поступления с 13.08.2018 по 01.10.2018


  1. Web and Big Data, Part II: Proc./2nd International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2018, Macau, China, July 2018/Ed. by Cai Y., Ishikava Y., Xu J..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10988.-466 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  2. Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2018, Part IV: Proc./18th International Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, July 2018/Ed. by Gervasi O., Murgante B., Misra S., Stankova E..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10963.-819 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  3. PRICAI 2018: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part II: Proc./15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing, China, August 2018/Ed. by Geng X., Kang B. -H..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11013.-524 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
  4. Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, Part II: Proc./7th CCF International Conference, NLPCC 2018, Hohhot, China, August 2018/Ed. by Zhang M., Ng V., Zhao D., Li S..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11109.-494p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
  5. Computational Collective Intelligence, Part II: Proc./10th International Conference, ICCCI 2018, Bristol, UK, September 2018/Ed. by Nguyen N. T., Pimenidis E,, Khan Z., Trawinski B..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11056.-521 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
  6. Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Part II: Proc./11th International Conference, KSEM 2018, Changchun, China, August 2018/Ed. by Liu W., Giunchiglia F., Yang B..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11062.-492 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
  7. Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, Part II: Proc./14th International Conference, ICIC 2018, Wuhan, China, August 2018/Ed. by Huang De-Sh., Jo K. -H., Zhang X.-L..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10955.-856 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  8. Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2018, Part II: Proc./38th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara CA,USA, August 2018/Ed. by Shacham H., Boldyreva A..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10992.-833 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  9. Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2018, Part III: Proc./38th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara CA,USA, August 2018/Ed. by Shacham H., Boldyreva A..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10993.-787 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  10. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, Part II: Proc./5th International Conference, AVR 2018, Otranto, Italy, June 2018/Ed. by De Paolis L.T., Bourdot P..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10851.-724 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  11. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XY, Part II: Proc./15th International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2018/Ed. by Auger A., Fonseca C. M., Lourenҫo N., Machado P..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11102.-501 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  12. Computer Security: Part II: Proc./23rd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2018, Barcelona, Spain, September 2018/Ed. by Lopez J., Zhou J., Soriano M..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11099.-571 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  13. Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXII: Proc./32nd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference, DBSec 2018, Bergamo, Italy, July 2018/Ed. by Kerschbaum F., Paraboschi S..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10980.-350 p.
  14. Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: Revised Selected Papers/27th International Symposium, LOPSTR 2017, Namur, Belgium, October 2017/Ed. by Fioravanti F., Gallagher J. P..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10855.-341 p.
  15. Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2018: Proc./17th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 2018/Ed. by Clua E., Roque L., Lugmayr A., Tuomi P..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11112.-412 p.
  16. Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: Proc./2-th International Workshop, CASC 2018, Lille, France, September 2018/Ed. by Gerdt V. P., Koepf W., Seiler W. M., Vorozhtsov E. V..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11077.-380 p.
  17. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction: Proc./2nd IFIP TC 5, TC 8/WG 8.4, 8.9, TC 12/WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2018, Hamburg, Germany, August 2018/Ed. by Holzinger A., Kieseberg P., Tjoa A M., Weippl E..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11015.-372 p.
  18. Inductive Logic Programming: Proc./28th International Conference, ILP 2018, Ferrara, Italy, September 2018/Ed. by Riguzzi F., Bellodi E., Zese R..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11105.-173 p.
  19. Rules and Reasoning: Proc./2nd International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR 2018, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 2018/Ed. by Benzmüller Ch., Ricca F., Parent X., Roman D..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11092.-328 p.
  20. Braverman Readings in Machine Learning: Key Ideas from Inception to Current State: Invited Talks/ International Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Emmanuil Braverman's Decease, Boston,MA,USA, April 2017/Ed. by Rozonoer L., Mirkin B. G., Muchnik I..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11100.-353 p.
  21. Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Proc./24th International Conference, CP 2018, Lille, France, August 2018/Ed. by Hooker J. N..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11008.-764 p.
  22. Cellular Automata: Proc./13th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2018, Como, Italy, September 2018/Ed. by Mauri G., El Yacoubi S., Dennunzio A., Nishinari K..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11115.-528 p.
  23. Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications: Proc./4th International Symposium, SETTA 2018, Beijing, China, September 2018/Ed. by Feng X., Muller-Oim M., Yang Z..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10998.-201 p.
  24. Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: Proc./13th International Conference, PROPOR 2018, Canela, Brazil, September 2018/Ed. by Villavicencio A., Moreira V., Abad A., Caseli H..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11122.-500 p.
  25. Speech and Computer: Proc./20th International Conference, SPECOM 2018, Leipzig, Germany, September 2018/Ed. by Karpov A., Jokisch O., Potapova R..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11096.-791 p.
  26. Belief Functions: Theory and Applications: Proc./5th International Conference, BELIEF 2018, Compiègne, France, September 2018/Ed. by Destercke S., Denoeux T., Cuzzolin F., Martin A..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11069.-280 p.
  27. Privacy in Statistical Databases: Proc./UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy International Conference, PSD 2018, Valencia, Spain, September 2018/Ed. by Domingo-Ferrer J., Montes F..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11126.-361 p.
  28. Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Part I: Proc./11th International Conference, ICIRA 2018, Newcastle,NSW,Australia, August 2018/Ed. by Chen Z., Mendes A., Yan Y., Chen S..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10984.-501 p.
  29. Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Part II: Proc./11th International Conference, ICIRA 2018, Newcastle,NSW, Australia, August 2018/Ed. by Chen Z., Mendes A., Yan Y., Chen S..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10985.-461 p.
  30. Security and Cryptography for Networks: Proc./11th International Conference, SCN 2018, Amalfi, Italy, September 2018/Ed. by Catalano D., De Prisco R..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11035.-584 p.
  31. Medical Imaging Systems: An Introductory Guide/Ed. by Maier A., Steidl S., Christlein V., Hornegger J..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11111.-265 p.
  32. The Semantic Web: ESWC 2018 Satellite Events: Revised Selected Papers/ESWC 2018 Satellite Events, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2018/Ed. by Gangemi A., Gentile A.L., Nuzzolese A.G., Rudolph S..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11155.-493 p.
  33. Database and Expert Systems Applications, Part I: Proc./29th International Conference, DEXA 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 2018/Ed. by Hartmann S., Ma H., Hameurlain A., Pernul G..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11029.-479 p.
  34. Database and Expert Systems Applications, Part II: Proc./29th International Conference, DEXA 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 2018/Ed. by Hartmann S., Ma H., Hameurlain A., Pernul G..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11030.-521 p.
  35. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Proc./Joint IAPR International Workshop, S+SSPR 2018, Beijing, China, August 2018/Ed. by Bai X., Hancock E. R., Ho T.K., Wilson R. C..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11004.-524 p.
  36. Biometric Recognition: Proc./13th Chinese Conference, CCBR 2018, Urumqi, China, August 2018/Ed. by Zhou J., Wang Y., Sun Z., Jia Zh..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10996.-748 p.
  37. Business Process Management: Proc./16th International Conference, BPM 2018, Sydney,NSW,Australia, September 2018/Ed. by Weske M., Montali M., Weber I., Vom_Brocke J..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11080.-514 p.
  38. Adventures Between Lower Bounds and Higher Altitudes: Essays Dedicated to Juraj Hromkovič on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday/Ed. by Böckenhauer H.-J., Komm D., Unger W..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11011.-642 p.
  39. Integrated Formal Methods: Proc./14th International Conference, IFM 2018, Maynooth, Ireland, September 2018/Ed. by Furia C. A., Winter K..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11023.-420 p.
  40. Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Intelligent Systems: Proc./15th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2018, Nanjing, China, August 2018/Ed. by Yoshida K., Lee M..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11016.-283 p.
  41. PRICAI 2018: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part I: Proc./15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing, China, August 2018/Ed. by Geng X., Kang B. -H..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11012.-1086 p.
  42. Intelligent Computer Mathematics: Proc./11th International Conference, CICM 2018, Hagenberg, Austria, August 2018/Ed. by Rabe F., Farmer W. M., Passmore G.O., Youssef A..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11006.-287 p.
  43. Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: Proc./20th IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference, DCFS 2018, Halifax,NS,Canada, July 2018/Ed. by Konstantinidis S., Pighizzini G..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10952.-251 p.
  44. Combinatorial Optimization: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Symposium, ISCO 2018, Marrakesh, Morocco, April 2018/Ed. by Lee J., Rinaldi G., Mahjoub A. R..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10856.-430 p.
  45. Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./22nd European Conference, ADBIS 2018, Budapest, Hungary, September 2018/Ed. by Benczur A., Thalheim B., Horvath T..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11019.-291 p.
  46. Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXVII/Ed. by Hameurlain A., Wagner R..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10940.-193 p.
  47. Developments in Language Theory: Proc./22nd International Conference, DLT 2018, Tokyo, Japan, September 2018/Ed. by Hoshi M., Seki Sh..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11088.-568 p.
  48. Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing: Proc./24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Turin, Italy, August 2018/Ed. by Aldinucci M., Padovani L., Torquati M..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11014.-829 p.
  49. Spatial Cognition XI: Proc./11th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2018, Tübingen, Germany, September 2018/Ed. by Creem-Regehr S., Schoning J., Klippel A..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11034.-341 p.
  50. Internet and Distributed Computing Systems: Proc./10th International Conference, IDCS 2017, Mana Island, Fiji, December 2017/Ed. by Fortino G., Ali A.B.M.Sh., Pathan M., Guerrieri A..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 10794.-187 p.
  51. Electronic Government: Proc./17th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2018, Krems, Austria, September 2018/Ed. by Parycek P., Glassey O., Janssen M., Scholl H. J..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11020.-275 p.
  52. From Animals to Animats 15: Proc./15th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2018, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, August 2018/Ed. by Manoonpong P., Larsen J.Ch., Xiong X., Hallam J..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10994.-265 p.
  53. Advances in Information and Computer Security: Proc./13th International Workshop on Security, IWSEC 2018, Sendai, Japan, September 2018/Ed. by Inomata A., Yasuda K..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11049.-331 p.
  54. Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: Proc./15th International Conference, TrustBus 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 2018/Ed. by Furnell S., Mouratidis H., Pernul G..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11033.-261 p.
  55. Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective: Proc./7th International Conference, EGOVIS 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 2018/Ed. by Ko A., Francesconi E..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11032.-271 p.
  56. Electronic Participation: Proc./10th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2018, Krems, Austria, September 2018/Ed. by Edelmann N., Parycek P., Misuraca G., Panagiotopoulos P..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11021.-157 p.
  57. Formal Grammar 2018: Proc./23rd International Conference, FG 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2018/Ed. by Foret A., Kobele G., Pogodalla S..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10950.-137 p.
  58. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering: Revised Selected Papers/3rd International Conference, HPCSE 2017, Karolinka, Czech Republic, May 2017/Ed. by Kozubek T., Čermák M., Tichý P., Blaheta R..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11087.-217 p.
  59. Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems: Proc./15th International Conference, MobiWIS 2018, Barcelona, Spain, August 2018/Ed. by Younas M., Awan I., Ghinea G., Cid M.C..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10995.-217 p.
  60. Mathematical Software - ICMS 2018: Proc./6th International Conference, South Bend,IN,USA, July 2018/Ed. by Davenport J. H., Kauers M., Labahn G., Urban J..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10931.-508 p.
  61. Web and Big Data, Part I: Proc./2nd International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2018, Macau, China, July 2018/Ed. by Cai Y., Ishikava Y., Xu J..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10987.-484 p.
  62. Machine Learning for Dynamic Software Analysis: Potentials and Limits: Revised Papers/ International Dagstuhl Seminar 16172, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, April 2016/Ed. by Bennaceur A., Hahnle R., Meinke K..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11026.-257 p.
  63. Lifelong Technology - Enhanced Learning: Proc./13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Leeds, UK, September 2018/Ed. by Pammer-Schindler V., Perez-Sanagustin M., Drachsler H., Elferink R..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11082.-667 p.
  64. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: Proc./16th International Conference, FORMATS 2018, Beijing, China, September 2018/Ed. by Jansen D. N., Prabhakaran P..-Berlin., 2018.-Vol. 11022.-289 p.
  65. Computer Aided Verification, Part II: Proc./30th International Conference, CAV 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018/Ed. by Chockler H., Weissenbacher G..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10982.-545 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  66. Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, Part I: Proc./7th CCF International Conference, NLPCC 2018, Hohhot, China, August 2018/Ed. by Zhang M., Ng V., Zhao D., Li S..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11108.-478 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  67. Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Part I: Proc./11th International Conference, KSEM 2018, Changchun, China, August 2018/Ed. by Liu W., Giunchiglia F., Yang B..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11061.-526 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  68. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: Proc./19th Annual Conference, TAROS 2018, Bristol, UK, July 2018/Ed. by Giuliani M., Assaf T., Giannaccini M.E..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10965.-493 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  69. Bioinformatics Research and Applications: Proc./14th International Symposium, ISBRA 2018, Beijing, China, June 2018/Ed. by Zhang F., Cai Zh., Skums P., Zhang Sh..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10847.-362 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  70. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: Proc./7th International Conference, Living Machines 2018, Paris, France, July 2018/Ed. by Vouloutsi V., Halloy J., Mura A., Mangan M..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10928.-551 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  71. Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation: Proc./13th International Conference, AISC 2018, Suzhou, China, September 2018/Ed. by Fleureot J., Wang D., Calmet J..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11110.-269 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  72. Rough Sets: Proc./ International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2018, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, August 2018/Ed. by Nguyen H.S., Ha Q. Th., Li T., Przybyla-Kasperek M..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11103.-660 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  73. Artificial General Intelligence: Proc./11th International Conference, AGI 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2018/Ed. by Ikle M., Franz A., Rzepka R., Goertzel B..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10999.-311 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  74. Computational Collective Intelligence, Part I: Proc./10th International Conference, ICCCI 2018, Bristol, UK, September 2018/Ed. by Nguyen N. T., Pimenidis E,, Khan Z., Trawinski B..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11055.-563 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  75. Computer Aided Verification, Part I: Proc./30th International Conference, CAV 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018/Ed. by Chockler H., Weissenbacher G..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10981.-703 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  76. Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, Part I: Proc./14th International Conference, ICIC 2018, Wuhan, China, August 2018/Ed. by Huang De-Sh., Bevilacqua V., Premaratne P., Gupta Ph..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10954.-910 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  77. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: Proc./37th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2018, Västerås, Sweden, September 2018/Ed. by Gallina B., Skavhaug A., Bitsch F..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11093.-312 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  78. Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: Proc./15th International Conference, QEST 2018, Beijing, China, September 2018/Ed. by McIver A., Horvath A..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11024.-423 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  79. Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2018, Part I: Proc./38th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara CA,USA, August 2018/Ed. by Shacham H., Boldyreva A..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10991.-823 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  80. Sailing Routes in the World of Computation: Proc./14th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2018, Kiel, Germany, July 2018/Ed. by Manea F., Miller R., Nowotka D..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10936.-434 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  81. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, Part I: Proc./5th International Conference, AVR 2018, Otranto, Italy, June 2018/Ed. by De Paolis L.T., Bourdot P..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10850.-518 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  82. Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2018: Proc./17th International Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, August 2018/Ed. by Hancke G. P., Spaniol M., Osathanunkul K., Klamma R..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11007.-155 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  83. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: Proc./SAFECOMP 2018, Workshops: ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, STRIVE. and WAISE, Västerås, Sweden, September 2018/Ed. by Gallina B., Skavhaug A., Schoitsch E., Bitsch F..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11094.-564 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  84. Search-Based Software Engineering: Proc./10th International Symposium, SSBSE 2018, Montpellier, France, September 2018/Ed. by Colanzi Th.E., McMinn Ph..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11036.-393 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  85. Reversible Computation: Proc./10th International Conference, RC 2018, Leicester, UK, September 2018/Ed. by Kari J., Ulidowski I..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11106.-353 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  86. Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery: Proc./20th International Conference, DaWaK 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 2018/Ed. by Ordonez C., Bellatreche L..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11031.-398 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  87. Collaboration and Technology: Proc./24th International Conference, CRIWG 2018, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, September 2018/Ed. by Rodrigues A., Fonseca B., Preduiҫa N..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11001.-223 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  88. Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: Proc./9th International Conference on the CLEF Association, CLEF 2018, Avignon, France, September 2018/Ed. by Bellot P., Trabelsi Ch., Mothe J., Murtagh F..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11018.-390 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  89. Information Security: Proc./21st International Conference, ISC 2018, Guildford, UK, September 2018/Ed. by Chen L., Manulis M., Schneider S..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11060.-522 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  90. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XY, Part I: Proc./15th International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2018/Ed. by Auger A., Fonseca C. M., Lourenҫo N., Machado P..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11101.-539 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  91. Пилипенко А.В.Разработка и реализация механизмов сокращения размера Java-приложений для встраиваемых систем в закрытой модели, 2018.-18 с.
  92. Computer Security: Part I: Proc./23rd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2018, Barcelona, Spain, September 2018/Ed. by Lopez J., Zhou J., Soriano M..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 11098.-621 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  93. Formal Methods: Proc./22nd International Symposium, FM 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018/Ed. by Havelund K., Peleska J., Roscoe B., De Vink E..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10951.-692 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
  94. Principles of Modeling: Essays Dedicated to Edward A.Lee on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday/Ed. by Lohstroh M., Derler P., Sirjani M..-Berlin.: Springer, 2018.-Vol. 10760.-539 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).


  1. Вопросы истории естествознания и техники, том 39, №2 (2018)
  2. Программная инженерия, том 9, №7 (2018)
  3. Онтология проектирования, том 8, №2 (2018)
  4. Программирование, №3 (2018)
  5. Наука и жизнь, №9 (2018)