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France R. B.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Problem-Oriented Analysis of Basic UML Static Requirements Modeling Concepts 1999 France R. B. SIGPLAN Notices 21.12.1999
СТ Integrated Informal Object-Oriented and Formal Modeling Techniques 1998 France R. B., Bruel J. -M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.02.1998
СТ Rigorous Object-Oriented Modeling: Integrating Formal and Informal Notations 1997 France R. B., Bruel J. -M., Larrondo-Petrie M. M., Grant E. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.12.1997
СТ Guidelines for Formalizing Fusion Object-Oriented Analysis Models 1996 Bates B. W., Bruel J. -M., France R. B., Larrondo-Petrie M. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.06.1996
СТ A Two-Dimensional View of Integrated Formal and Informal Specification Techniques 1995 France R. B., Larrondo-Petrie M. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ZUM 95: The Z Formal Specification Notation 06.10.1995
СТ Understanding the Role of Formal Specification Techniques in Requirements Engineering 1995 France R. B., Larrondo-Petrie M. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.03.1995