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Huang X.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Space-Efficient Parallel Sequence Comparison Algorithm for a Message-Passing Multiprocessor 1989 Huang X. Intern. J. Parallel Programming 30.05.1995
СТ Instructional Planning Using Focus of Attention 1992 Huang X., Mccalla G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.07.1992
СТ An Explanatory Framework for Human Theorem Proving 1993 Huang X. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12.08.1993
СТ Adapting Methods to Novel Tasks in Proof Planning 1994 Huang X., Kerber M., Kohlhase M., Richts J. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 21.10.1994
СТ A Model-Driven Tool for Performance Measurement and Analysis of Parallel Programs 1995 Huang X., Steigner C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.06.1995
СТ Challenges in Adopting Speech Recognition 2004 Deng L., Huang X. Communications of the ACM 20.02.2004