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Dogac A.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Broader Approach to Personalization 2000 Cingil I., Dogac A., Azgin A. Communications of the ACM 08.11.2000
СТ A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web 1998 Dogac A., Durusoy I., Arpinar S., Tatbul N., Koksal P., Cingil I., Dimililer N. SIGMOD Record 29.01.1999
СТ Distributed Object Computing Platforms 1998 Dogac A., Dengi C., Oszu M. T. Communications of the ACM 29.01.1999
СТ An Interoperability Infrastructure for Developing Multidatabase Systems 1996 Dogac A., Ozhan G., Kilic E., Ozcan F. ISCIS XI: Proc. of the Eleventh Intern. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences. Antalya, Turkey, November 1996 06.12.1996
СТ A Heuristic Approach for Optimization of Path Expressions 1995 Ozkan C., Dogac A., Evrendilek C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Database and Expert Systems Applications 15.11.1995
СТ METU Object-Oriented DBMS Kernel 1995 Dogac A., Altinel M., Ozkan C., Arpinar B., Durusoy I., Altintas I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Database and Expert Systems Applications 14.11.1995
СТ A Preprocessor Approach to Persistent C++ 1995 Evrendilek C., Dogac A., Gesli T. Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter. Russian Basic Research Foundation ADBIS 95 14.09.1995
СТ A Distributed Parallel Object Manager for Smalltalk 1994 Aytekin H., Dogac A. Proc. of the Ninth Intern. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences - ISCIS IX 24.05.1995
СТ Comparison of Clustering Algorithms in a Single User Environment through 007 Benchmark 1995 Koc K., Dogac A., Evrendilek C. East/West Database Workshop: Proc./Second Intern. East/West Database Workshop, Klagenfurt, Austria, 25-28 September 1994 17.05.1995
СТ MoodView: An Advanced Graphical User Interface for OODBMSs 1993 Arpinar I. B., Dogac A., Evrendilek C. SIGMOD Record 16.02.1994


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Advances in Multimedia Information Systems: Proc./4th Intern. Workshop, MIS 98. Istanbul, Turkey, September 1998 1998 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Jajodia S.
  2. Ozsu M. T.
  3. Dogac A.