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Some Independence Results for Equational Unification |
1995 |
Otto F., Narendran P., Dougherty D. J. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
28.04.1995 |
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Ground Temporal Logic: A Logic for Hardware Verification |
1994 |
Cyrluk D., Narendran P. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
28.07.1994 |
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An Algorithm for Finding Canonical Sets of Ground Rewrite Rules in Polynomial Time |
1993 |
Gallier J., Narendran P., Plaisted D., Raatz S., Snyder W. |
J. of the ACM |
04.03.1993 |
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Theorem Proving Using Equational Matings and Regid E-Unification |
1992 |
Gallier J., Narendran P., Raatz S., Snyder W. |
J. of the ACM |
29.05.1992 |
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It is decidable in polynomial time whether a monoid presented by a finite weight-reducing and confluent Thue system is torsion-free |
1987 |
Narendran P., Otto F. |
Univ. Kaiserslautern |
19.10.1991 |
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A specialized completion procedure for monadic string-rewriting systems presenting groups |
1991 |
Madlener K., Narendran P., Otto F. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
12.09.1991 |