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Parisi-Presicce F.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Visual Specifications of Policies and Their Verification 2003 Koch M., Parisi-Presicce F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.04.2003
СТ On the Compatibility of Model and Model-Class Transformations 2001 Gajewsky M., Parisi-Presicce F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.03.2002
СТ Foundations for Software Configuration Management Policies Using Graph Transformations 2000 Parisi-Presicce F., Wolf A. L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.04.2000
М Distribute Laws for Composition and Union of Module Specifications for Software Systems 1986 Ehrig H., Fey W., Parisi-Presicce F. IFIP: TC 2, Working Conf. on Program Specification and Transformation 09.12.1999
СТ Dynamical Behavior of Object Systems 1995 Parisi-Presicce F., Pierantonio A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.05.1995
СТ An Algebraic Theory of Class Specification 1994 Parisi-Presicce F., Pierantonio A. ACM Trans. Software Engineering and Methodology 14.12.1994
СТ Reusing Object Oriented Design: An Algebraic Approach 1994 Parisi-Presicce F., Pierantonio A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.10.1994
СТ Heterogeneous Unified Algebras 1993 Parisi-Presicce F., Veglioni S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.10.1993
СТ Foundations of rule-based design of modular systems 1991 Parisi-Presicce F. Theoretical Computer Science 10.09.1991
СТ Compatibility Problems in the Development of Algebraic Module Specifications 1990 Ehrig H., Fey W., Hansen H., Lowe M., Jacobs D., Parisi-Presicce F. Theoretical Computer Science 12.02.1991
