СБ |
Time for Verification: Essays in Memory of Amir Pnueli |
2010 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Manna Z.
- Peled D. A.
14.09.2010 |
СБ |
Runtime Verification: Selected Papers/9th International Workshop, RV 2009. Grenoble, France, June 2009 |
2009 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Bensalem S.
- Peled D. A.
21.11.2009 |
СБ |
Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/5th International Workshop, MoChArt 2008. Patras, Greece, July 2008 |
2009 |
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
- Peled D. A.
- Wooldbridge M. J.
14.04.2009 |
СБ |
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: Proc./9th International Conference, VMCAI 2008. San Francisco, USA, January 2008 |
2008 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Logozzo F.
- Peled D. A.
- Zuck L. D.
15.04.2008 |
СБ |
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: Proc./Third International Symposium, ATVA 2005. Taipei, Taiwan, October 2005 |
2005 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Peled D. A.
- Tsay Y. -K.
06.12.2005 |
СБ |
Computer Aided Verification: Proc./16th International Conference, CAV 2004. Boston, MA, USA, July 2004. |
2004 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Alur R.
- Peled D. A.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
04.09.2004 |
СБ |
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2002: Proc./22nd IFIP WG 6.1 Intern. Conf., Houston, Texas, USA, November 2002 |
2002 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Peled D. A.
- Vardi M. Y.
29.11.2002 |