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Nicolau A.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Compiler-Directed Cache Assist Adaptivity 2000 Ji X., Nicolaescu D., Veidenbaum A., Nicolau A., Gupta R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.11.2000
СТ Copy Elimination for Parallelizing Compilers 1999 Kolson D. J., Nicolau A., Dutt N. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.09.1999
СТ Augmenting Loop Tiling with Data Alignment for Improved Cache Performance 1999 Panda P. R., Nakamura H., Dutt N. D., Nicolau A. IEEE Trans. on Computers 07.05.1999
СТ The Design of the PROMIS Compiler 1999 Saito H., Stavrakos N., Carroll S., Polychronopoulos C., Nicolau A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 02.04.1999
СТ Achieving Milti-level Parallelization 1997 Brownhill C. J., Nicolau A., Novack S., Polychronopoulos C. D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.11.1997
СТ Resource-Directed Loop Pipelining 1997 Novack S., Nicolau A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.08.1997
СТ A Simple Mechanism for Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Instruction-Level Disambiguation 1996 Novack S., Hummel J., Nicolau A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.02.1996
СТ Mutation Scheduling: A Unified Approach to Compiling for Fine-Grain Parallelism 1995 Novack S., Nicolau A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.03.1995
СТ A General Data Dependence Test for Dynamic, Pointer-Based Data Structures 1994 Hummel J., Hendren L. J., Nicolau A. SIGPLAN Notices 22.08.1994
СТ A Hierarchical Parallelizing Compiler for VLIW/MIMD Machines 1993 Brownhill C., Nicolau A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.03.1994
СТ Partitioned Register Files for VLIWs: A Preliminary Analysis of Tradeoffs 1992 Capitanio A., Dutt N., Nicolau A. SIGMICRO Newsletter 13.03.1993
СТ Fine-grain Parallelization and the Wavefront Method 1990 Aiken A., Nicolau A. Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing 22.10.1992
П Measuring the Parallelism Available for the Very Long Instruction Word Architectures 1985 Nicolau A., Fisher J. A. Yale Univ. 31.03.1992
П A Fine-Grain Parallelizing Compiler 1986 Nicolau A. Cornell Univ. 31.03.1992