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Meyer J.-J. Ch.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Objects, Agents, and Features: An Introduction 2004 Meyer J.-J. Ch., Ryan M. D., Ehrich H. -D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.09.2004
СТ Coordinating Agents in OO 2004 de Boer F. S., Pieric C., Van Eijk R. M., Meyer J.-J. Ch. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.09.2004
СТ Formal Models of Agents: An Introduction 1999 Meyer J.-J. Ch., Schobbens P. -Y. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 05.02.2000
СТ Preferential Action Semantics 1999 Meyer J.-J. Ch., Doherty P. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 05.02.2000
П The Dynamics of Default Reasoning 1994 Van Linder B., Van Der Hoek W., Meyer J.-J. Ch. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Univ. Utrecht 16.05.1998
СТ Contrasting Themes in the Semantics of Imperative Concurrency 1982 De Bakker J. W., Kok J. N., Meyer J.-J. Ch., Olderog E. -R., Zucker J. I. 16.05.1995
СТ A Logic of Capabilities 1994 Van Der Hoek W., Van Linden B., Meyer J.-J. Ch. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 02.08.1994
СТ Towards an Epistemic Approach to Reasoning about Concurrent Programs 1993 Van Der Hoek W., Van Hulst M., Meyer J.-J. Ch. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.06.1993