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Paragios N.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Computer Vision - ECCV 2010, Part I: Proc./11th European Conference on CV, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Daniilidis K.
  2. Maragos P.
  3. Paragios N.
СБ Computer Vision - ECCV 2010, Part II: Proc./11th European Conference on CV, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Daniilidis K.
  2. Maragos P.
  3. Paragios N.
СБ Computer Vision - ECCV 2010, Part III: Proc./11th European Conference on CV, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Daniilidis K.
  2. Maragos P.
  3. Paragios N.
СБ Computer Vision - ECCV 2010, Part IV: Proc./11th European Conference on CV, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Daniilidis K.
  2. Maragos P.
  3. Paragios N.
СБ Computer Vision - ECCV 2010, Part V: Proc./11th European Conference on CV, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Daniilidis K.
  2. Maragos P.
  3. Paragios N.
СБ Computer Vision - ECCV 2010, Part VI: Proc./11th European Conference on CV, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Daniilidis K.
  2. Maragos P.
  3. Paragios N.
СБ Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: Proc./First International Conference, SSVM 2007. Ischia, Italy, May/June 2007 2007 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Sgallari F.
  2. Murli A.
  3. Paragios N.
СБ Variational, Geometric, and Level Set Methods on Computer Vision: Proc./Third International Workshop, VLSM 2005. Beijing, China, October 2005 2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Paragios N.
  2. Faugeras O.
  3. Chan T.
  4. Schnoerr Ch.