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Briand L.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A UML-Based Approach to System Testing 2001 Briand L., Labiche Y. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.10.2001
СТ On the Application of Measurement Theory in Software Engineering 1996 Briand L., El Emam K., Morasca S. Empirical Software Engineering 08.05.1997
СТ Understanding and Predicting the Process of Software Maintenance Releases 1996 Basili V., Briand L., Condon S., Kim Y. -M., Melo W. L., Valett J. D. Proc. of the 18th Intern. Conf. on Software Engineering. Berlin, Germany, March 25-29, 1996 19.06.1996
СТ Ada Real-Time Systems and Basic Priority Inheritance 1994 Briand L. Ada Letters 20.05.1994
СТ Time Management for Ada Real-Time Systems 1992 Briand L. Ada Letters 17.11.1992
