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Ciancarini P.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Towards Ontology Driven Software Design 2004 Ciancarini P., Presutti V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.04.2004
СТ Coordination Languages for Parallel Programming 1998 Arbab F., Ciancarini P., Hankin C. Parallel Computing 07.04.2001
СТ Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: The State of the Art 2001 Wooldridge M., Ciancarini P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 07.03.2001
СТ Mobility and Coordination for Distributed Java Applications 2000 Ciancarini P., Giovannini A., Rossi D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.04.2000
СТ Managing Complex Documents Over the WWW: A Case Study for XML 1999 Ciancarini P., Vitali F., Mascolo C. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering 03.11.1999
СТ Active Documents in XML 1999 Bompani L., Ciancarini P., Vitali F. SIGWEB Newsletter 20.04.1999
СТ Visualizing Z Notation in HTML Documents 1998 Ciancarini P., Mascolo C., Vitali F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.12.1998
СТ Coordinating Multiagent Applications on the WWW: A Reference Architecture 1998 Ciancarini P., Tolksdorf R., Vitali F., Rossi D., Knoche A. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 11.08.1998
СТ Jada: Coordination and Communication for Java Agents 1997 Ciancarini P., Rossi D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.05.1997
СТ Analyzing and Refining an Architectural Style 1997 Ciancarini P., Mascolo C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.04.1997
СТ Enhancing Coordination and Modularity Mechanisms for a Language with Objects-as-Multisets 1996 Castellani S., Ciancarini P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.05.1996
СТ A Logic Language Based on GAMMA-like Multiset Rewriting 1996 Ciancarini P., Fogli D., Gaspari M. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 17.04.1996
СТ A Course on Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Matching Requirements with Design 1995 Ciancarini P., Ciaccia P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ZUM 95: The Z Formal Specification Notation 06.10.1995
СТ A Formal Approach to Software Design: The Clepsydra Methodology 1995 Ciaccia P., Ciancarini P., Penzo W. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ZUM 95: The Z Formal Specification Notation 29.09.1995
СТ On the Operational Semantics of a Coordination Language 1995 Ciancarini P., Jensen K. K., Yankelevich D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems 30.08.1995
СТ A Linda-Based Runtime System for a Distributed Logic Language 1993 Ciancarini P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.03.1994
СТ Linda Meets Minix 1993 Ciancarini P., Guerrini N. Operating Systems Review 27.12.1993
СТ Coordinating Rule-Based Software Processes with ESP 1993 Ciancarini P. ACM Trans. Software Engineering and Methodology 03.11.1993
СТ Blackboard Programming in Shared Prolog 1990 Ciancarini P. Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing 22.10.1992


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: Proc./20th International Conference, EKAW 2016, Bologna, Italy, November 2016 2016 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Blomqvist E.
  2. Ciancarini P.
  3. Poggi F.
  4. Vitali F.
СБ Computers and Games: Revised Papers/5th International Conference, CG 2006. Turin, Italy, May 2006 2007 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Van Den Herik H. J.
  2. Ciancarini P.
  3. Donkers H.H.L.M. J.
СБ Coordination Models and Languages: Proc./8th International Conference, COORDINATION 2006. Bologna, Italy, June 2006 2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Ciancarini P.
  2. Wiklicky H.
СБ Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II: Proc./Second Intern. Workshop, AOSE 2001, Montreal, Canada, May 2001 2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Wooldridge M. J.
  2. Weiss G.
  3. Ciancarini P.
СБ Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: Revised Papers/ First International Workshop, AOSE 2000. Limerick, Ireland, June 10, 2000 2001 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Ciancarini P.
  2. Wooldridge M. J.
СБ Coordination Languages and Models: Proc./Third Intern. Conf., COORDINATION 99. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 1999 1999 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Ciancarini P.
  2. Wolf A. L.
СБ Coordination Languages and Models: Proc./First Intern. Conf., COORDINATION 96. Cesena, Italy, April 1996 1996 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Ciancarini P.
  2. Hankin C.