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Degano P.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Authentication primitives for secure protocol specifications 2005 Bodei C., Degano P., Focardi R., Priami C. FGCS 04.06.2005
СТ Causality and Replication in Concurrent Processes 2003 Degano P., Gadducci F., Priami C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.02.2004
СТ Flow Logic for Dolev-Yao Secrecy in Cryptographic Processes 2002 Bodei C., Degano P., Nielson F., Nielson H. R. FGCS 23.07.2002
М Programming Environments: Deriving Language Dependent Tools from Structured Denotational Semantics 1982 Barbuti R., Bellina M., Degano P., Levi G., Martelli A. Istituto di Scienze dell Informazione 02.08.2000
П Towards the Derivation of an Experimental Programming Environment from Language Formal Specifications 1981 Barbuti R., Bellia M., Martelli A., Dameri E., Simonelli C., Degano P., Levi G. Progetto Finalizzato Informatica 02.08.2000
СТ Causality for Debugging Mobile Agents 1999 Degano P., Priami C., Leth L., Thomsen B. Acta Informatica 30.10.1999
СТ Semantic-Driven Performance Evaluation 1999 Nottegar C., Priami C., Degano P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.04.1999
СТ Static Analysis of Processes for No Read-Up and No Write-Down 1999 Bodei C., Degano P., Nielson F., Nielson H. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 02.04.1999
СТ Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation 1998 Bodei C., Degano P., Priami C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.10.1998
СТ Mobile Processes with Local Clocks 1997 Degano P., Loddo J. -V., Priami C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.02.1997
СТ Analysis of Facile Programs: A Case Study 1997 Degano P., Priami C., Leth L., Thomsen B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.02.1997
СТ Axiomatizing the Algebra of Net Computations and Processes 1996 Degano P., Meseguer J., Montanari U. Acta Informatica 23.11.1996
СТ Complexity as a Basis for Comparing Semantic Models of Concurrency 1995 Mycroft A., Degano P., Priami C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12.01.1996
СТ An Efficient Verifier of Truly Concurrent Properties 1995 Bianchi A., Coluccini S., Degano P., Priami C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Parallel Computing Technologies 18.10.1995
СТ Causality for Mobile Processes 1995 Degano P., Priami C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Automata, Languages and Programming 10.09.1995
СТ CCS is an (Augmented) Contact Free C/E System 1986 Degano P., De Nicola R., Montanari U. Univ. di Pisa 02.06.1995
СТ Partial Ordering Models for Concurrency Can Be Defined Operationally 1987 Degano P., Marchetti S. Intern. J. Parallel Programming 12.05.1995
СТ Universal Axioms for Bisimulations 1993 Degano P., De Nicola R., Montanari U. Theoretical Computer Science 01.07.1994
СТ Refinement of Actions in Event Structures and Causal Trees 1993 Darondeau P., Degano P. Theoretical Computer Science 06.04.1994
СТ A Categorical view of process refinement 1993 Degano P., Corrieri R., Rosolini G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.06.1993
СТ On Relating Some Models for Concurrency 1993 Degano P., Gorrieri R., Vigna S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.05.1993
П Causal Trees: Interleaving + Causality 1990 Darondeau P., Degano P. Univ. di Pisa Computers and Society 26.02.1992
СТ The Kernel of a Graphic Enviroment for Analyzing Distributed Systems 1991 Degano P., Gorrieri R., Zamboni L., Zanotti. Parallel Computing Technologies (Proceedings of the International Conference) 17.10.1991


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Formal Aspects in Security and Trust: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, FAST 2008, Malaga, Spain, October 2008 2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Degano P.
  2. Guttman J.
  3. Martinelli F.
СБ Computational Methods in Systems Biology: Proc./7th International Conference, CMSB 2009, Bologna, Italy, August/September 2009 2009 Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics
  1. Degano P.
  2. Gorrieri R.
СБ Concurrency, Graphs and Models: Essays Dedicated to Ugo Montanari on the Occcasion of His 65th Birthday 2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Degano P.
  2. De Nicola R.
  3. Meseguer J.
СБ Formal Methods for Computationad Biology: Advanced Lectures/8th Intl School on FM for the Design of Computer, Communication & Software Systems, SFM 2008. Bertinoro, Italy , June 2008 2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Bernardo M.
  2. Degano P.
  3. Zavattaro G.
СБ Programming Languages and Systems: Proc./12th European Symp. on Programming, ESOP 2003, Held as Part of the Joint European Conf. on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2003, Warsaw, Poland, April 2003 2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Degano P.
СБ Automata, Languages and Programming: Proc./24th Intern. Colloquium, ICALP 97. Bologna, Italy, July 1997 1997 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Degano P.
  2. Gorrieri R.
  3. Marchetti-Spaccamela A.