СТ |
Approximate Pruning in Tabled Logic Programming |
2003 |
Castro L. F., Warren D. S. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
16.04.2003 |
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Fighting Livelock in the i-Protocol: A Comparative Study of Verification Tools |
1999 |
Dong Y., Du X., Ramakrishna Y. S., Ramakrishnan C. R., Ramakrishnan I. V., Smolka S. A., Sokolovsky O., Stark E. W., Warren D. S. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
08.04.1999 |
СТ |
Logic Programming and Model Checking |
1998 |
Cui B., Dong Y., Du X., Kumar K. N., Ramakrishnan C. R., Ramakrishnan I. V., Roychoudhury A., Smolka S. A., Warren D. S. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
13.10.1998 |
СТ |
An Abstract Machine for Computing the Well-Founded Semantics |
1996 |
Sagonas K., Swift T., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming |
12.03.1998 |
СТ |
Practical Program Analysis Using General Purpose Logic Programming Systems - A Case Study |
1996 |
Dawson S., Ramakrishnan C. R., Warren D. S. |
Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN 96 Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) |
22.08.1997 |
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Efficient Tabling Mechanisms for Logic Program |
1995 |
Ramakrishnan I. V., Rao P., Sagonas K., Swift T., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming: Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf. |
13.05.1996 |
СТ |
Efficient Execution of HiLog in WAM-based Prolog Implementations |
1995 |
Sagonas K., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming: Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf. |
08.05.1996 |
СТ |
Analysis of SLG-WAM Evaluation of Definite Programs |
1994 |
Swift T., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming. Proc. of the 1994 Intern. Symp. |
30.01.1996 |
СТ |
Exploiting Parallelism in Tabled Evaluations |
1995 |
Freire J., Hu R., Swift T., Warren D. S. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs |
16.11.1995 |
СТ |
A Goal-Oriented Approach to Computing Well Founded Semantics |
1992 |
Chen W., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming: Proc./ Joint Intern. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming |
19.12.1994 |
СТ |
A Type Inference System for Prolog |
1988 |
Xu J., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp. |
03.10.1994 |
СТ |
Objects as Intensions |
1988 |
Chen W., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp. |
30.09.1994 |
СТ |
An Intensional Logic of (Multi-Arity) Set Abstractions |
1991 |
Chen W., Warren D. S. |
Logic Programming: Proc./Eighth Intern. Conf. |
19.09.1994 |
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XSB as an Efficient Deductive Database Engine |
1994 |
Sagonas K., Swift T., Warren D. S. |
SIGMOD Record |
30.08.1994 |
СТ |
Memoring for Logic Programs |
1992 |
Warren D. S. |
Communications of the ACM |
23.03.1992 |