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Warren D. S.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Approximate Pruning in Tabled Logic Programming 2003 Castro L. F., Warren D. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.04.2003
СТ Fighting Livelock in the i-Protocol: A Comparative Study of Verification Tools 1999 Dong Y., Du X., Ramakrishna Y. S., Ramakrishnan C. R., Ramakrishnan I. V., Smolka S. A., Sokolovsky O., Stark E. W., Warren D. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.04.1999
СТ Logic Programming and Model Checking 1998 Cui B., Dong Y., Du X., Kumar K. N., Ramakrishnan C. R., Ramakrishnan I. V., Roychoudhury A., Smolka S. A., Warren D. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.10.1998
СТ An Abstract Machine for Computing the Well-Founded Semantics 1996 Sagonas K., Swift T., Warren D. S. Logic Programming 12.03.1998
СТ Practical Program Analysis Using General Purpose Logic Programming Systems - A Case Study 1996 Dawson S., Ramakrishnan C. R., Warren D. S. Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN 96 Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) 22.08.1997
СТ Efficient Tabling Mechanisms for Logic Program 1995 Ramakrishnan I. V., Rao P., Sagonas K., Swift T., Warren D. S. Logic Programming: Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf. 13.05.1996
СТ Efficient Execution of HiLog in WAM-based Prolog Implementations 1995 Sagonas K., Warren D. S. Logic Programming: Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf. 08.05.1996
СТ Analysis of SLG-WAM Evaluation of Definite Programs 1994 Swift T., Warren D. S. Logic Programming. Proc. of the 1994 Intern. Symp. 30.01.1996
СТ Exploiting Parallelism in Tabled Evaluations 1995 Freire J., Hu R., Swift T., Warren D. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs 16.11.1995
СТ A Goal-Oriented Approach to Computing Well Founded Semantics 1992 Chen W., Warren D. S. Logic Programming: Proc./ Joint Intern. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming 19.12.1994
СТ A Type Inference System for Prolog 1988 Xu J., Warren D. S. Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp. 03.10.1994
СТ Objects as Intensions 1988 Chen W., Warren D. S. Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp. 30.09.1994
СТ An Intensional Logic of (Multi-Arity) Set Abstractions 1991 Chen W., Warren D. S. Logic Programming: Proc./Eighth Intern. Conf. 19.09.1994
СТ XSB as an Efficient Deductive Database Engine 1994 Sagonas K., Swift T., Warren D. S. SIGMOD Record 30.08.1994
СТ Memoring for Logic Programs 1992 Warren D. S. Communications of the ACM 23.03.1992