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Jedrzejowicz P.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, Part I: Proc./4th KES International Symposium, KES-AMSTA 2010, Gdynia, Poland, June 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Jedrzejowicz P.
  2. Nguyen N. Th.
  3. Howlett R. J.
  4. Jain L. C.
СБ Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, Part II: Proc./4th KES International Symposium, KES-AMSTA 2010, Gdynia, Poland, June 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Jedrzejowicz P.
  2. Nguyen N. Th.
  3. Howlett R. J.
  4. Jain L. C.
СБ Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part II: Proc./3rd International Conference, ICCCI 2011, Gdynia, Poland, September 2011 2011 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Jedrzejowicz P.
  2. Nguyen N. T.
  3. Hoang K.
СБ Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part I: Proc./3nd International Conference, ICCCI 2011, Gdynia, Poland, September 2011 2011 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Jedrzejowicz P.
  2. Nguyen N. T.
  3. Hoang K.
СБ Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part II: Proc./4th International Conference, ICCCI 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 2012 2012 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Nguyen N. T.
  2. Hoang K.
  3. Jedrzejowicz P.
СБ Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part I: Proc./4th International Conference, ICCCI 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 2012 2012 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Nguyen N. T.
  2. Hoang K.
  3. Jedrzejowicz P.