СТ |
View Consistency in Software Development |
2004 |
Wirsing M., Knapp A. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
28.04.2004 |
СТ |
Towards a Formal Specification for the AgentComponent |
2004 |
Meier Ph., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
03.09.2004 |
СТ |
Making Components Move: A Separation of Concerns Approach |
2003 |
Pattinson D., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
31.01.2004 |
СТ |
A Spatio-Temporal Logic for the Specification and Refinement of Mobile Systems |
2003 |
Merz S., Wirsing M., Zappe J. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
16.04.2003 |
СТ |
AGILE: Software Architecture for Mobility |
2003 |
Andrade L., Baldan P., Baumeister H., Bruni R., De Nicola R., Fiadeiro J. L., Gadducci F., Gnesi S., Hoffman P., Koch N., Kosiuczenko P., Lapadula A., Latella D., Lopes A., Loreti M., Massink M., Mazzanti U., Montanari U., Oliveira C., Pugliese R., Tarlecki A., Wermelinger M., Wirsing M., Zawlocki A. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
14.01.2004 |
СТ |
Programs, Proofs and Parametrized Specifications |
2001 |
Poernomo I., Crossley J. N., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
03.03.2002 |
СТ |
A Hoare Calculus for Verifying Java Realizations of OCL-Constrained Design Models |
2001 |
Reus B., Wirsing M., Hennicker R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
05.05.2001 |
СТ |
Algebraic State Machines |
2000 |
Broy M., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
17.06.2000 |
СТ |
Extraction of Structured Programs from Specification Proofs |
2000 |
Grossley J. N., Poernomo I., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
13.10.2000 |
СТ |
Approximate Bisimilarity |
2000 |
Ying M., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
17.06.2000 |
СТ |
An Event-Based Structural Operational Semantics of Multi-Threaded Java |
1999 |
Cenciarelli P., Knapp A., Reus B., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
03.07.1999 |
СТ |
Verifying a Compiler Optimization for Multi-Threaded Java |
1998 |
Reus B., Knapp A., Cenciarelli P., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
07.05.1998 |
СТ |
From Sequential to Multi-Threaded Java: An Event-Based Operational Semantics |
1997 |
Cenciarelli P., Knapp A., Reus B., Wirsing M. |
9th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory |
15.04.1998 |
СТ |
Algebraic Specification Languages: An Overview |
1995 |
Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
24.05.1995 |
СТ |
A Method for the Development of Correct Software |
1995 |
Pepper P., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
KORSO: Methods, Languages, and Tools for the Construction of Correct Software |
28.12.1995 |
СТ |
Correct Software: From Experiments to Applications |
1995 |
Broy M., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
KORSO: Methods, Languages, and Tools for the Construction of Correct Software |
28.12.1995 |
СТ |
An Object-Oriented Airport: Specification and Refinement in Maude |
1995 |
Lechner U., Lengauer C., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
24.05.1995 |
СТ |
Characterizing Behavioural Semantics and Abstractor Semantics |
1994 |
Bidoit M., Hennicker R., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
06.05.1994 |
П |
An Object-Oriented Airport |
1994 |
Lechner U., Lengauer C., Wirsing M. |
Univ.Passau |
31.01.1995 |
СТ |
Algebraic Specification |
1994 |
Wirsing M. |
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Formal Models and Semantics. Volume B |
27.01.1998 |
СТ |
A Formal Approach to Requirements Engineering |
1993 |
Nickl F., Wirsing M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
20.11.1993 |
П |
Proofs In Structured Specifications |
1991 |
Wirsing M. |
Univ.Passau |
13.09.1991 |
СТ |
Formal Aspects of Software Reusability |
1991 |
Hennicker R., Wirsing M. |
Proc. of the First Intern. Workshop on Software Reusability |
25.12.1993 |
М |
An Introduction to ASL |
1986 |
Astesiano E., Wirsing M. |
IFIP: TC 2, Working Conf. on Program Specification and Transformation |
09.12.1999 |
П |
Structured Algebraic Specifications: a Kernel Language |
1985 |
Wirsing M. |
Univ.Passau |
29.08.1991 |
П |
GOTOs - A Study in the Algebraic Specification of Programming Languages |
1981 |
Broy M., Dosch W., Moller B., Wirsing M. |
Univ.Edinburgh |
19.03.2004 |