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Dignum F.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Modeling Communication between Cooperative Systems 1995 Dignum F., Weigand H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.07.1995
СТ Interoperable Transactions in Business Models - A Structured Approach 1996 Weigand H., Verharen E., Dignum F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.06.1996
СТ Cooperative Information Agents and Communication 1997 Verharen E., Dignum F. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 21.03.1997
СТ Issues in Agent Communication: An Introduction 2000 Dignum F., Greaves M. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 29.11.2000


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Issues in Agent Communication 2000 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Dignum F.
  2. Greaves M.
СБ Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce 2001 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Dignum F.
  2. Sierra C.
The European AgentLink Perspective 08.03.2001
СБ Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce III 2001 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Dignum F.
  2. Cortes U.
СБ Advances in Agent Communication: Proc./Intern. Workshop on Agent Communication Languages, ACL 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 2003 2004 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Dignum F.
СБ Agent Communication: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/International Workshop on Agent Communication, AC 2004. New York, NY, USA, July 2004 2005 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Van Eijk R. M.
  2. Huget M. -Ph.
  3. Dignum F.
СБ Agent Communication II: Selected and Revised Papers/Intl WS s AC`05 & AC`06. Utrecht, the Netherlands, July`05 & Hakodate, Japan, May`06 2006 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Dignum F.
  2. Van Eijk R. M.
  3. Flores R.
СБ Agents for Games and Simulations: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design 2009 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Dignum F.
  2. Bradshaw J.
  3. Silverman B.
  4. Van_Doesburg W.
СБ Agents for Games and Simulations II: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design 2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Dignum F.
СБ Collaborative Agents - Research and Development: Revised Selected Papers/ International Worcshops CARE@AI09/CARE@IAT10, Melbourne, Australia, December 2009 and Toronto, Canada, August 2010 2011 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Guttmann C.
  2. Dignum F.
  3. Georgeff M.
СБ Agents for Educational Games and Simulations: Revised Papers/ International Workshop, AEGS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011 2012 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Beer M.
  2. Brom C.
  3. Dignum F.
  4. Soo V. -W.
СБ Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Workshop, CAVE 2012 Held at AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, June 2012 2013 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Dignum F.
  2. Brom C.
  3. Hindriks K.
  4. Beer M.
СБ PRIMA 2013: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: Proc./16th International Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, December 2013 2013 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Boella G.
  2. Elkind E.
  3. Savarimuthu B.T. R.
  4. Dignum F.
СБ Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Social Good: The PAAMS Collection: Proc./19th International Conference, PAAMS 2021, Salamanca, Spain, October 2021 2021 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Dignum F.
  2. Corchado J. M.
  3. De la Prieta F.
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