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Meseguer J.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
М All About Maunde - A High-Performance Logical Framework: How to Specify, Program and Verify Systems in Rewriting Logic 2007 Clavel M., Duran F., Eker S., Lincoln P., Marti-Oliet N., Meseguer J., Talcott C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.10.2007
СТ A Rewriting Logic Sampler 2005 Meseguer J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.11.2005
СТ Pure Type Systems in Rewriting Logic: Specifying Typed Higher-Order Languages in a First-Order Logical Framework 2004 Stehr M. -O., Meseguer J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.04.2004
СТ Specification and Analysis of Real-Time Systems Using Real-Time Maude 2004 Olveczky P. C., Meseguer J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.04.2004
СТ Mapping Modular SOS to Rewriting Logic 2003 De O., Haeusler E. H., Meseguer J., Mosses P. D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.09.2003
СТ The Maude LTL Model Checker and Its Implementation 2003 Eker S., Meseguer J., Sridharanarayanan A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.05.2003
П Software Specification and Verification in Rewriting Logic: Lecture 1 2002 Meseguer J. Techn.Univ.Munchen 24.08.2002
СТ A Total Approach to Partial Algebraic Specification 2002 Meseguer J., Rosu G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.08.2002
СТ Semantic Models for Distributed Object Reflection 2002 Meseguer J., Talcott C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.07.2002
СТ Towards a Verification Logic for Rewriting Logic 2000 Fiadeiro J. L., Maibaum T., Marti-Oliet N., Meseguer J., Pita I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.10.2000
СТ Maude Action Tool: Using Reflection to Map Action Semantics to Rewriting Logic 2000 De O., Haeusler E. H., Meseguer J., Mosses P. D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.06.2000
СТ Maude as a Formal Meta-tool 1999 Clavel M., Duran F., Eker S., Meseguer J., Stehr M. -O. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.10.1999
СТ Executable Tile Specifications for Process Calculi 1999 Bruni R., Meseguer J., Montanari U. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.04.1999
СТ A Comparison of Petri Net Semantics under the Collective Token Philosophy 1998 Bruni R., Meseguer J., Montanari U., Sassone V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.12.1998
СТ Mapping Tile Logic into Rewriting Logic 1998 Meseguer J., Montanari U. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 07.05.1998
СТ Representation Theorems for Petri Nets 1997 Meseguer J., Montanari U., Sassone V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.11.1997
СТ Specification and Proof in Membership Equational Logic 1997 Bouhoula A., Jouannaud J. -P., Meseguer J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.05.1997
СТ Axiomatizing the Algebra of Net Computations and Processes 1996 Degano P., Meseguer J., Montanari U. Acta Informatica 23.11.1996
СТ Rewriting as a Unified Model of Concurrency 1989 Meseguer J. 21.06.1995
П From Petri Nets to Linear Logic 1989 Marti-Oliet N., Meseguer J. SRI Intern. 20.06.1995
П Petri Nets Are Monoids 1989 Meseguer J., Montanari U. SRI Intern. 20.06.1995
СТ From Abstract Data Types to Logical Framework 1995 Meseguer J., Marti-Oliet N. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.05.1995
П Temporal Structures 1989 Casley R., Crew R. F., Meseguer J., Pratt V. Stanford Univ. 11.05.1995
П Conditional Rewriting Logic as a Unified Model of Concurrency 1991 Meseguer J. SRI Intern. 11.05.1995
СТ The Rewrite Rule Machine Node Architecture and Its Performance 1994 Lincoln P., Meseguer J., Ricciulli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.11.1994
СТ Compiling Rewriting onto SIMD and MIMD/SIMD Machines 1994 Lincoln P., Marti-Oliet N., Meseguer J., Ricciulli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.08.1994
СТ On the Model of Computation of Place/Transition Petri Nets 1994 Meseguer J., Montanari U., Sassone V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.07.1994
СТ May I Borrow Your Logic? 1993 Cerioli M., Meseguer J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.10.1993
СТ Solving the Inheritance Anomaly in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming 1993 Meseguer J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.09.1993
СТ A Logical Semantics for Object-Oriented Databases 1993 Meseguer J., Qian X. SIGMOD Record 10.09.1993
СТ Order-sorted algebra I: equational deduction for multiple inheritance, overloading, expetions and partial operations 1992 Goguen J. A., Meseguer J. Theoretical Computer Science 26.12.1992
СТ On the Semantics of Petri Nets 1992 Meseguer J., Montanari U., Sassone V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.10.1992
СТ Final Algebras, Cosemicomputable Algebras and Degrees of Unsolvability 1992 Moss L., Meseguer J., Goguen J. Theoretical Computer Science 30.07.1992