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Bailey J.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Optimizing Active Database Rules by Partial Evaluation and Abstract Interpretation 2002 Bailey J., Poulovassilis A., Courtenage S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.10.2002
СТ Expressiveness Issues and Decision Problems for Active Database Event Queries 2000 Bailey J., Mikulas S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.01.2001
СТ Decidability of First-Order Logic Queries over Views 1998 Bailey J., Dong G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.01.1999
СТ Structural Issues in Active Rule Systems 1997 Bailey J., Dong G., Ramamohanarao K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10.01.1997
СТ Active Databases and Agent Systems - A Comparison 1995 Bailey J., Georgeff M., Kemp D. B., Kinny D., Ramamohanarao K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Rules in Database Systems 17.11.1995


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ AI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./32nd Australasian Joint Conference, Adelaide,SA,Australia, December 2019 2019 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Liu J.
  2. Bailey J.
СБ Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part I: Proc./20th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2016, Auckland, New Zealand, April 2016 2016 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Bailey J.
  2. Khan L.
  3. Washio T.
  4. Dobbie G.
СБ Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part II: Proc./20th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2016, Auckland, New Zealand, April 2016 2016 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Bailey J.
  2. Khan L.
  3. Washio T.
  4. Dobbie G.
СБ Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part I: Proc./16th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2012 2012 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Tan P. -N.
  2. Chawla S.
  3. Ho C. K.
  4. Bailey J.
СБ Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part II: Proc./16th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2012 2012 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Tan P. -N.
  2. Chawla S.
  3. Ho C. K.
  4. Bailey J.
СБ New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining: Revised Selected Papers/PAKDD 2011 International Workshops, Shenzhen, China, May 2011 2012 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Cao L.
  2. Huang J. Z.
  3. Bailey J.
  4. Koh Y. S.
СБ Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2008: Proc./9th International Conference. Auckland, New Zealand, September 2008 2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Bailey J.
  2. Maier D.
  3. Schewe K. -D.
  4. Thalheim B.
СБ Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning: Revised Selected Papers/4th International Workshop, PPSWR 2006. Budva, Montenegro, June 2006 2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Alferes J. J.
  2. Bailey J.
  3. May W.
  4. Schwertel U.