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Miller D.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Specifications Using Multiple-Conclusion Logic Programs 1994 Miller D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.11.1994
СТ Uses of Higher-Order Unification for Implementing Program Transformers 1988 Hannan J., Miller D. Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern.Conf. and Symp. 13.10.1994
СТ An Overview of LambdaProlog 1988 Nadathur G., Miller D. Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp. 03.10.1994
СТ Unification of Simply Typed Lambda-Terms as Logic Programming 1991 Miller D. Logic Programming: Proc./Eighth Intern. Conf. 19.09.1994
СТ Crypto Policy Perspectives 1994 Landau S., Kent S., Brooks C., Charney S., Denning D., Diffie W., Lauck A., Miller D., Neumann P., Sobel D. Communications of the ACM 31.08.1994
СТ A Proposal for Modules in Prolog 1994 Miller D. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 01.07.1994
СТ The -Calculus as a Theory in Linear Logic: Preliminary Results 1992 Miller D. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 06.04.1993
П Encoding a Dependent-Type lambda-calculus in a Logic Programming Language 1990 Felty A., Miller D. INRIA 12.10.1991