СТ |
Performance Analysis of File Organizations that Use Multibucket Data Leaves with Partial Expansions |
1993 |
Matsliach G. |
ACM Trans. Database Systems |
16.04.1993 |
СТ |
Using Multi-Bucket Data Leaves with Overflow Chains-Performance Analysis |
1991 |
Matsliach G. |
Information Systems |
07.02.1992 |
СТ |
Maintaining Bounded Disorder Files in Multiprocessor multi-Disk Environments |
1990 |
Matsliach G., Shmueli O. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
16.03.1991 |
СТ |
Performance Analysis of File Organizations that Use Multi-Bucket |
1990 |
Matsliach G. |
Information Processing Letters |
15.03.1991 |