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Yuen C. K.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Functional FOR Loop 1995 Yuen C. K. SIGPLAN Notices 20.11.1995
СТ A Survey of Implementations of Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Smalltalk 1993 Gao Y., Yuen C. K. SIGPLAN Notices 03.11.1993
СТ An Abstract Machine Design for Lexically Scoped Parallel Lisp with Speculative Processing 1992 Yuen C. K. SIGPLAN Notices 16.12.1992
СТ Breadth-First Search in the Eight Queens Problem 1994 Yuen C. K., Feng M. D. SIGPLAN Notices 03.04.1996
СТ Distributed Linda Tuplespace Algorithms and Implementations 1994 Feng M. D., Gao Y. Q., Yuen C. K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.11.1994
СТ Hamming Numbers, Lazy Evaluation and Eager Disposal 1992 Yuen C. K. SIGPLAN Notices 06.09.1992
СТ Parallel Multiplication: A Case Study in Parallel Programmimg 1994 Yuen C. K., Feng M. D. SIGPLAN Notices 22.04.1994
СТ Programming the Premature Loop Exit: From Functional to Navigational 1994 Yuen C. K. SIGPLAN Notices 22.04.1994