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Le Metayer D.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Formal Methods in Practice: The Missing Links. A Perspective from the Security Area 2001 Bolignano D., Le Metayer D., Loiseaux C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 04.11.2001
СТ Verification by Testing for Recursive Program Schemes 2000 Le Metayer D., Nicolas V. -A., Ridoux O. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.08.2000
СТ Consistency Checking for Multiple View Software Architectures 1999 Fradet P., Le Metayer D., Perin M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.10.1999
СТ Exploring the Software Development Trilogy 1998 Le Metayer D., Nicolas V. -A., Ridoux O. IEEE Software 28.01.1999
СТ Program Analysis for Software Engineering: New Applications, New Requirements, New Tools 1997 Le Metayer D. SIGPLAN Notices 15.04.1998
СТ Deriving Algorithms from Type Inference Systems: Application to Strictness Analysis 1994 Hankin C., Le Metayer D. Proc. of the POPL 94: 21st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages 29.08.1997
СТ Proving Properties of Programs Defined Over Recursive Data Structures 1995 Le Metayer D. Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation 13.08.1997
СТ Type Checking for a Multiset Rewriting Language 1997 Fradet P., Le Metayer D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.02.1997
СТ Static Detection of Pointer Errors: An Axiomatisation and a Cheking Algorithm 1996 Fradet P., Gaugne R., Le Metayer D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.05.1996
СТ Compile-time Detection of Information Flow in Sequential Programs 1994 Banatre J. -P., Bryce C., Le Metayer D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.12.1994
СТ A Type-based Framework for Program Analysis 1994 Hankin C., Le Metayer D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.11.1994
СТ Lazy Type Inference for the Strictness Analysis of Lists 1994 Hankin C., Le Metayer D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.05.1994
СТ Proving the Correctness of Compiler Optimisations Based on Strictness Analysis 1993 Burn G., Le Metayer D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.09.1993
СТ A Parallel Programming Style and Its Algebra of Programs 1993 Hankin Ch., Le Metayer D., Sands D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.07.1993
П A Calculus of Gamma programs 1992 Hankin C., Le Metayer D., Sands D. INRIA 18.06.1993
П Proving the Correctness of Compiler Optimisations Based on a Global Program Analysis/Imperial College of Sci.,Technology and Medicine 1992 Burn G., Le Metayer D. 19.05.1993
СТ Transformation of Gamma Programs 1992 Hankin C., Le Metayer D., Sands D. BIGRE 05.11.1992
П Programming by Multiset Transformation 1990 Banatre J., Le Metayer D. INRIA 21.05.1991
СТ GAMMA: Un formalisme pour la construction de programmes paralleles 1989 Banatre J., Le Metayer D., Mussat L. BIGRE 07.02.1991
СТ Compilation de programmes fonctionnels par transformation de programmes 1990 Fradet P., Le Metayer D. BIGRE 07.02.1991