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Seki H.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Query Evaluation Method for Stratified Programs under the Extended CWA 1988 Seki H., Iton H. Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp. 29.09.1994
СТ An Efficient Abductive Reasoning System Based on Program Analysis 1993 Kato S., Seki H., Itoh H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.12.1993
СТ A Verification Procedure via Invariant for Extended Communicating Finite-State Machines 1993 Higuchi M., Shirakawa O., Seki H., Fujii M., Kasami T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 07.05.1993
СТ Partial Deduction of Disjunctive Logic Programs: A Declarative Approach 1994 Sakama C., Seki H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12.01.1995
СТ Goal-Directed Query Processing in Disjunctive Logic Databases 1995 Shimajiri Y., Seki H., Itoh H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs 16.11.1995
СТ Authorization Analysis of Queries in Object-Oriented Databases 1995 Seki H., Ishihara Y., Ito M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 29.12.1995
СТ Incorporating a Pruning Strategy into the Computation of Stable Models based on MGTP 1997 Shimajiri Y., Seki H., Itoh H. Logic Programming 11.03.1998