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Thalheim B.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Component-Based Modelling of Huge Databases 2004 Schmidt P., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.11.2004
СТ A Three-Level Architecture for Distributed Web Information Services 2004 Kirchberg M., Schewe K. -D., Thalheim B., Wang R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.10.2004
СТ Integrating Context in Modelling for Web Information Systems 2004 Kaschek R., Schewe K. -D., Thalheim B., Zhang L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.10.2004
СТ Visual SQL - High-Quality ER-Based Query Treatment 2004 Jaakkola H., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.01.2004
СТ Semantics in Databases 2003 Bertossi L., Katona G.O. H., Schewe K. -D., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.05.2003
СТ Integrating Retrieval Functionality in Web Sites Based on Storyboard Design and Word Fields 2002 Dusterhoft A., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.02.2003
СТ Component Construction of Database Schemes 2002 Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 31.10.2002
СТ Many-Dimensional Schema Modeling 2002 Feyer T., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.10.2002
СТ SiteLang: Conceptual Modeling of Internet Sites 2001 Thalheim B., Dusterhoft A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.11.2001
СТ Logic and Database Modeling 1999 Thalheim B. Logic Programming 07.03.2001
СТ IS=DBS+Interaction: Towards Principles of Information System Design 2000 Goldin D., Srinivasa S., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.11.2000
СТ E/R Based Scenario Modeling for Rapid Prototyping of Web Information Services 1999 Feyer T., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.11.1999
СТ Modeling Data Warehouses and OLAP Applications by Means of Dialogue Objects 1999 Lawerenz J., Schewe K. -D., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.11.1999
СТ A Generalization of Dijkstra s Calculus to Typed Program Specifications 1999 Schewe K. -D., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.09.1999
СТ The Strength of ER Modeling 1999 Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.05.1999
СТ Towards a Theory of Consistency Enforcement 1999 Schewe K. -D., Thalheim B. Acta Informatica 13.03.1999
СТ Conceptual Design and Development of Information Services 1998 Feyer T., Schewe K. -D., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.11.1998
СТ An Informal and Efficient Approach for Obtaining Semantic Constraints Using Sample Data and Natural Language Processing 1998 Albrecht M., Buchholz E., Dusterhoft A., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.03.1998
СТ The Rapid Application and Database Development (RADD) Workbench - A Comfortable Database Design Tool 1995 Albrecht M., Altus M., Buchholz E., Dusterhoft A., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.07.1995
СТ A General Framework for Database Design Strategies 1995 Thalheim B. East/West Database Workshop: Proc./Second Intern. East/West Database Workshop, Klagenfurt, Austria, 25-28 September 1994 17.05.1995
СТ The Average Length of Keys and Functional Dependencies in (Random) Databases 1995 Demetrovics J., Katona G.O. H., Miklos D., Seleznjev O., Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.02.1995
СТ State-Conditioned Semantics in Databases 1994 Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.12.1994
СТ HERM: Putting Theory into Practice 1992 Thalheim B. Управляю ие системы и машины 30.07.1992
СТ Extending the Entity-Relationship Model for a High-Level, Theory-Based Database Design 1991 Thalheim B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.08.1991


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./22nd European Conference, ADBIS 2018, Budapest, Hungary, September 2018 2018
  1. Benczur A.
  2. Thalheim B.
  3. Horvath T.
СБ Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./20th East European Conference, ADBIS 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2016 2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Pokorny J.
  2. Ivanovic M.
  3. Thalheim B.
  4. Saloun P.
СБ Semantics and Data and Knowledge Bases: Revised Selectes Papers/5th International Workshop SDKB 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2011 2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Schewe K. -D.
  2. Thalheim B.
СБ Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./7th East European Conference, ADBIS 2003, Dresden, Germany, September 2003 2003
  1. Kalinichenko L.
  2. Manthey R.
  3. Thalheim B.
  4. Wloka U.
СБ Sematics in Data and Knowledge Bases: Revised Selected Papers/4th International Workshop, SDKB 2010, Bordeaux, France, July 2010 2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Schewe K. -D.
  2. Thalheim B.
СБ Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./14th East European Conference, ADBIS 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Catania B.
  2. Ivanovic M.
  3. Thalheim B.
СБ Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases: Revised Selected Papers: Third International Workshop, SDKB 2008. Nantes, France, March 2008 2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Schewe K. -D.
  2. Thalheim B.
СБ Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2008: Proc./9th International Conference. Auckland, New Zealand, September 2008 2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Bailey J.
  2. Maier D.
  3. Schewe K. -D.
  4. Thalheim B.
СБ Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007: Proc./26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Auckland, New Zealand, November 2007 2007 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Parent Ch.
  2. Schewe K. -D.
  3. Storey V. C.
  4. Thalheim B.
СБ Databases and Information Systems: Proc./Second International Baltic Workshop. Tallinn, June 12-14, 1996 1996
  1. Haav H. -M.
  2. Thalheim B.
Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Science of tht Estonian 07.01.2008
СБ Abstract State Machines 2004 - Advances in Theory and Practice: Proc./11th Intern. Workshop, ASM 2004, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, May 2004 2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Zimmermann W.
  2. Thalheim B.
СБ Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./7th East European Conf., ADBIS 2003, Dresden, Germany, September 2003 2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Kalinichenko L.
  2. Manthey R.
  3. Thalheim B.
  4. Wloka U.
СБ Semantics in Databases: Proc./Second Intern. Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, January 2001 2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Bertossi L.
  2. Katona G.O. H.
  3. Schewe K. -D.
  4. Thalheim B.
СБ Conceptual Modeling for E-Business and the Web: Proc./ER 2000 Workshops on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for E-Business and The World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 2000 2000 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Liddle S. W.
  2. Mayr H. C.
  3. Thalheim B.
СБ Current Issues in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./East-European Conf. with Intern. Conf., ADBIS-DASFAA 2000, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2000 2000 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Stuller J.
  2. Pokorny J.
  3. Thalheim B.
  4. Masunaga Y.
СБ Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: Proc./First Intern. Symp., FolKS 2000. Burg, Germany, February 2000 2000 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Schewe K. -D.
  2. Thalheim B.
СБ Database and Information Systems: Proc./Second Intern. Baltic Workshop, Tallinn, June 12-14, 1996 1996
  1. Haav H. -M.
  2. Thalheim B.
Inst.Cybernetics Estonian Academy of Sciences Volume 1: Research Track 12.10.1999
СБ Conceptual Modeling: Current Issues and Future Directions 1999 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Chen P. P.
  2. Akoka J.
  3. Kangassalo H.
  4. Thalheim B.
СБ Databases and Information Systems: Proc./Second International Baltic Workshop. Tallinn, June 12-14, 1996 1996
  1. Haav H. -M.
  2. Thalheim B.
Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Science of tht Estonian 13.02.1997
СБ Conceptual Modeling ER 96: Proc./15th Intern. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling. Cottbus, Germany, October 1996 1996 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Thalheim B.
СБ Entity-Relationship Approach - ER 93: Proc./12th Intern. Conf. on the Entity-Relationship Approach. Arlington, Texas, USA, December 1993 1994 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Elmasri R. A.
  2. Kouramajian V.
  3. Thalheim B.
М MFDBS 91: Proc./3rd Symp. Mathematical Fundamentals of Database and Knowledge Base Systems, Rostock, Germany, May 1991 1991 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Thalheim B.
  2. Demetrovich J.
  3. Gerhardt H. -D.