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Haines M.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Compiling Data Parallel Tasks for Coordinated Execution 1999 Laure E., Haines M., Mehrotra P., Zima H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.11.1999
СТ Approaches for Integrating Task and Data Parallelism 1998 Bal H. E., Haines M. IEEE Concurrency 04.11.1998
СТ An Open Implementation Analysis and Design for Lightweight Threads 1997 Haines M. SIGPLAN Notices 23.01.1998
СТ SmartFiles: An OO Approach to Data File Interoperability 1995 Haines M., Mehrotra P., Rosendale J. V. SIGPLANE Notices 26.12.1995
СТ An Overview of the Opus Language and Runtime System 1995 Mehrotra P., Haines M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.03.1995
СТ Task Management, Virtual Shared Memory, and Multithreading in a Distributed Memory Implementation of Sisal 1993 Haines M., Bohm W. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.07.1993