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Crivelli E.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ From Formal Models to Formally Based Methods: An Industrial Experience 1999 Ciapessoni E., Coen-Porisini A., Crivelli E., Mandrioli D., Mirandola P., Morzenti A. ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology 26.05.1999
СТ An Incremental Specification of a Hydroelectronic Power Plant Control System Using a Class of Modular Algebraic Nets 1995 Battiston E., Botti O., Crivelli E., De Cindio F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 05.07.1995
СТ Quality Measurement of Software Products: An Experience about a Large Automation System 1995 Spinelli A., Pina D., Salvaneschi P., Crivelli E., Meda R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.06.1995