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Tokoro M.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Back to Home: Where Computers and Networking Should Go 1998 Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.04.1998
СТ Agents: Towards a Society in which Humans and Computers Cohabitate 1996 Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 04.06.1996
СТ A Collaboration Strategy for Repetitive Encounters 1996 Matsubayashi K., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 04.06.1996
СТ SCONE: Using Concurrent Objects for Low-level Operating System Programming 1995 Itoh J., Yokote Y., Tokoro M. SIGPLANE Notices 26.12.1995
СТ Artificial Life and Real World Computing 1995 Steels L., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computer Science Today 30.11.1995
СТ Time and Asynchrony in Interactions among Distributed Real-Time Objects 1995 Satoh I., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ECOOP 95 - Object-Oriented Programming 26.09.1995
СТ A Formalism for Remotely Interacting Processes 1995 Satoh I., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.05.1995
СТ Toward Languages and Formal Systems for Distributed Computing 1994 Tokoro M., Takashio K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.07.1994
СТ The Society of Objects 1994 Tokoro M. OOPS Messenger 14.06.1994
СТ Control Handling in Real-Time Communication Protocols 1993 Shionozaki A., Tokoro M. Computer Communication Review 04.03.1994
СТ Asynchrony and Real-Time in Distributed Systems 1993 Tokoro M., Satoh I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.01.1994
СТ Queries on Structures in Hypertext 1993 Minohara T., Watanabe R., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.12.1993
СТ Metalevel Decomposition in AL-1/D 1993 Okamura H., Ishikawa Y., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.11.1993
СТ A Typing System for a Calculus of Objects 1993 Vasconcelos V. T., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.11.1993
СТ A Timed Calculus for Distributed Objects with Clocks 1993 Satoh I., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.09.1993
СТ Host Migration Transparency in IP Networks: The VIP Approach 1993 Teraoka F., Tokoro M. Computer Communication Review 23.03.1993
СТ DROL: An Object-Oriented Programming Language for Distributed Real-Time Systems 1992 Takashio K., Tokoro M. SIGPLAN Notices 15.12.1992
СТ A Formalism for Real-Time Concurrent Object-Oriented Computing 1992 Satoh I., Tokoro M. SIGPLAN Notices 15.12.1992
СТ On Asynchronous Communication Semantics 1992 Honda K., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.07.1992
СТ Trace Semantics for Actor Systems 1992 Vasconcelos V., Tokoro M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.07.1992
СТ A Network Architecture Providing Host Migration Transparency 1991 Teraoka F., Yokote Y., Tokoro M. Computer Communication Review 18.12.1991


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Object-Based Concurrent Computing: Proc./ECOOP 91 Workshop. Geneva, Switzerland, July 1991. 1992 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Tokoro M.
  2. Nierstrasz O.
  3. Wegner P.