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Darondeau P.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ HMSCs as Partial Specifications ... with PNs as Completions 2001 Caillaud B., Darondeau P., Helouet L., Lesventes G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 04.11.2001
СТ Deriving Unbounded Petri Nets from Formal Languages 1998 Darondeau P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.09.1998
СТ Trace nets and process automata 1995 Badonel E., Darondeau P. Acta Informatica 20.10.1995
СТ Context-Free Event Domains are Recognizable 1995 Badouel E., Darondeau P., Raoult J. -C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology 13.09.1995
СТ Polynomial Algorithms for the Synthesis of Bounded Nets 1995 Badouel E., Bernardinello L., Darondeau P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.06.1995
П Fairness, Distances and Degrees 1990 Darondeau P., Nolte D., Priese L., Yoccoz S. INRIA 01.06.1995
П A Note on Guarded Recursion 1990 Badouel E., Darondeau P. INRIA 01.06.1995
СТ Refinement of Actions in Event Structures and Causal Trees 1993 Darondeau P., Degano P. Theoretical Computer Science 06.04.1994
СТ Structural Operational Specifications and Trace Automata 1992 Badouel E., Darondeau P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.10.1992
П Causal Trees: Interleaving + Causality 1990 Darondeau P., Degano P. Univ. di Pisa Computers and Society 26.02.1992
СТ Recursive graphs are not stable under maximal reduction 1991 Darondeau P. EATCS Bull. 19.09.1991