СТ |
Parameterized Models for Distributed Java Objects |
2004 |
Barros T., Boulifa R., Madelaine E. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
21.01.2005 |
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Application de CEYX a la Construction de Programmes sous Forme de Machines Virtuelles |
1985 |
Devin M., Madelaine E., Ressouche A. |
01.05.2002 |
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Proving Process Calculi Translations in ECRINS: The PureLOTOS -> MEIJE Example |
1990 |
Doumenc G., Madelaine E., De Simone R. |
02.07.1998 |
СТ |
A Front-End Generator for Verification Tools |
1995 |
Cleaveland R., Madelaine E., Sims S. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
11.01.1996 |
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Verification Tools from the CONCUR project |
1992 |
Madelaine E. |
EATCS Bull. |
19.08.1992 |
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Un systeme de verification de processus paralleles et communicants |
1987 |
Lecompte V., Madelaine E., Vergamini D. |
05.02.1991 |