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Chatterjee S.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Generating Local Addresses and Communication Sets for Data-Parallel Programs 1993 Chatterjee S., Gilbert J. R., Long F.J. E., Schreiber R., Teng S. -H. SIGPLAN Notices 06.09.1993
СТ Implementation of a Portable Nested Data-Parallel Language 1993 Blelloch G. E., Chatterjee S., Hardwick J. C., Sipelstein J., Zagha M. SIGPLAN Notices 06.09.1993
СТ Compilling Nested Data-Parallel Programs for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors 1993 Chatterjee S. ACM Trans. Programming Languages and Systems 20.08.1993
СТ Optimal Evaluation of Array Expressions on Massively Parallel Machines 1993 Chatterjee S., Gilbert J. R., Schreiber R., Teng S. -H. SIGPLAN Notices 01.03.1993
СТ Array Distribution in Data-Parallel Programs 1995 Chatterjee S., Gilbert J. R., Schreiber R., Sheffler T. J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.03.1995
СТ Piecewise Execution of Nested Data-Parallel Programs 1996 Palmer D. W., Prins J. F., Chatterjee S., Faith R. E. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.02.1996
СТ Requirements for Success in Gigabit Networking 1997 Chatterjee S. Communications of the ACM 30.07.1997
СТ An Evaluation of Java for Numerical Computing 1998 Blount B., Chatterjee S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.12.1998
СТ Expressing Irregular Computations in Modern Fortran Dialects 1998 Prins J. F., Chatterjee S., Simons M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.11.1998
СТ Concurrent Event Handling through Multithreading 1999 Keckler S. W., Chang A., Lee W. S., Chatterjee S., Dally W. J. IEEE Trans. on Computers 25.12.1999