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Gupta A.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Model Checking: Back and Forth between Hardware and Software 2008 Clarke E., Gupta A., Jain H., Veith H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.10.2008
СТ Symbolic Model Checking of Concurrent Programs Using Partial Orders and On-the Fly Transactions 2006 Kahlon V., Gupta A., Sinha N. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.09.2006
СТ A Framework for Automatic Identification of the Best Checkpoint and Recovery Protocol 2005 Paul H. S., Gupta A., Sharma A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.04.2005
СТ Performance Improvement of the Contract Net Protocol Using Instance Based Learning 2003 Deshpande U., Gupta A., Basu A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.01.2004
СТ An Interpolated Volume Model for Databases 2003 Wang T., Santini S., Gupta A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10.12.2003
СТ Time to Leave the Trees: From Syntactic to Conceptual Querying of XML 2002 Ludascher B., Altintas I., Gupta A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.12.2002
СТ Conceptual Integration of Multiple Partial Geometric Models 2002 Santini S., Gupta A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 31.10.2002
СТ Adapting Materialized Views after Redefinitions: Techniques and a Performance Study 2001 Gupta A., Mumick I. S., Rao J., Ross K. A. Information Systems 20.08.2001
СТ Logic Programming Techniques for Dynamic VRML Web Content Generation 2001 Gupta A., Tarau P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 05.04.2001
СТ Modeling Interactive Web Sources for Information Mediation 1999 Ludascher B., Gupta A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.11.1999
СТ The Economics of Network Management 1999 Gupta A., Stahl D. O., Whinstov A. B. Communications of the ACM 02.11.1999
СТ A Quantitative Analysis of the Performance and Scalability of Distributed Shared Memory Cache Coherence Protocols 1999 Heinrich M., Soundararajan V., Hennessy J., Gupta A. IEEE Trans. on Computers 07.05.1999
СТ Performance Isolation: Sharing and Isolation in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors 1998 Verghese B., Gupta A., Rosenblum M. Operating Systems Review 29.01.1999
СТ In Search of Information in Visual Media 1997 Gupta A., Santini S., Jain R. Communications of the ACM 15.01.1998
СТ Operating System Support for Improving Data Locality on CC-NUMA Compute Serves 1996 Verghese B., Devine S., Gupta A., Rosenblum M. SIGPLAN Notices 15.08.1997
СТ Visual Information Retrieval 1997 Gupta A., Jain R. Communications of the ACM 17.06.1997
СТ Implementing Efficient Fault Containment for Multiprocessors 1996 Rosenblum M., Chapin J., Teodosiu D., Devine S., Lahiri T., Gupta A. Communications of the ACM 11.09.1996
СТ Data Integration Using Self-Maintainable Views 1996 Gupta A., Jagadish H. V., Mumick I. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.04.1996
СТ A Security Architecture for Tenet Scheme 2 1996 Oppliger R., Gupta A., Moran M., Bettati R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.03.1996
СТ Using Partial Information to Update Materialized Views 1995 Gupta A., Blakeley J. A. Information Systems 23.01.1996
СТ A Query Translation Scheme for Rapid Implementation of Wrappers 1995 Papakonstantinow Y., Gupta A., Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 28.12.1995
СТ Development of a Parallel and Distributed Integration Package - PART I 1995 De Doncker E., Gupta A., Ealy P., Rathbun K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.06.1995
СТ Parallel Implementation of OPS5 on the Encore Multiprocessor: Results and Analysis 1988 Gupta A., Tambe M., Kalp D., Forgy C., Newell A. Intern. J. Parallel Programming 26.05.1995
СТ Optimization Using Tuple Subsumption 1995 Harinarayan V., Gupta A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.02.1995
СТ Scheduling and Page Migration for Multiprocessor Compute Servers 1994 Chandra R., Devine S., Verghese B., Gupta A., Rosenblum M. SIGPLAN Notices 10.02.1995
СТ Integration of Message Passing and Shared Memory in the Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor 1994 Heinlein J., Gharachorloo K., Dresser S., Gupta A. SIGPLAN Notices 10.02.1995
СТ The Performance Impact of Flexibility in the Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor 1994 Heinrich M., Kuskin J., Ofelt D., Heinlein J., Baxter J., Singh J. P., Simoni R., Gharachorloo K., Nakahira D., Horowitz M., Gupta A., Rosenblum M., Hennessy J. SIGPLAN Notices 10.02.1995
СТ Interleaving: A Multithreading Technique Targeting Multiprocessors and Workstations 1994 Laudon J., Gupta A., Horowitz M. SIGPLAN Notices 10.02.1995
СТ Efficient and Complete Tests for Database Integrity Constraint Checking 1994 Gupta A., Sagiv Y., Ullman J. D., Widom J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.12.1994
СТ The Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor 1994 Kuskin J., Ofelt D., Heinrich M., Heinlein J., Simoni R., Gharachorloo K., Chapin J., Nakahira D., Baxter J., Horowitz M., Gupta A., Rosenblum M., Hennessy J. Computer Architecture News 20.06.1994
СТ Local Verification of Global Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases 1993 Gupta A., Widom J. SIGMOD Record 10.09.1993
СТ Maintaining Views Incrementally 1993 Gupta A., Mumick I. S., Subrahmanian V. S. SIGMOD Record 10.09.1993
СТ Data Locality and Load Balancing in COOL 1993 Chandra R., Gupta A., Hennessy J. L. SIGPLAN Notices 09.09.1993
СТ Working Sets, Cache Sizes, and Node Granularity Issues for Large-Scale Multiprocessors 1993 Rothberg E., Singh J. P., Gupta A. Computer Architecture News 24.06.1993
СТ Design and Evaluation of a Compiler Algorithm for Prefectching 1992 Mowry T. C., Lam M. S., Gupta A. SIGPLAN Notices 26.10.1992
СТ Characterizing the Caching and Synchronization Performance of a Multiprocessor Operating System 1992 Torrellas J., Gupta A., Hennessy J. SIGPLAN Notices 26.10.1992
СТ COOL: a Language for Parallel Programming 1990 Chandra R., Gupta A., Hennessy J. L. Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing 22.10.1992
СТ Stanford DASH Multiprocessor: The Hardware and Software Approach 1992 Gupta A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.07.1992
СТ MemSpy: Analyzing Memory System Bottlenecks in Programs 1992 Martonosi M., Gupta A., Anderson Th. Performance Evaluation Review 16.07.1992
СТ SPLASH: Stanford Parallel Applications for Shared-Memory 1992 Singh J. P., Weber W. -D., Gupta A. Computer Architecture News 01.07.1992
СТ Hiding Memory Latency using Dynamic Scheduling in Shared-Memory Multiprocessor 1992 Gharachorloo K., Gupta A., Hennessy J. Computer Architecture News 23.06.1992
СТ Comparative Performance Evaluation of Cache-Coherent NUMA and COMA Architectures 1992 Stenstrom P., Joe T., Gupta A. Computer Architecture News 23.06.1992
СТ The DASH Prototype: Implementation and Performance 1992 Lenoski D., Laudon J., Joe T., Nakahira D., Stevens L., Gupta A., Hennessy J. Computer Architecture News 23.06.1992