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Maurer H.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Bounded delay L codes 1991 Maurer H., Salomaa A., Wood D. Theoretical Computer Science 24.09.1991
П Hypermedia Systems and Other Computer Support as Infrastructure for Museums 1991 Maurer H., Williams M. R. IIG 17.11.1995
П Hyper-G Specification of Requirements 1991 Kappe F., Maurer H., Tomek I. IIG 17.11.1995
П Hypermedia Systems Without Links 1992 Maurer H., Scherbakov N. IIG 17.11.1995
П Why Hypermedia Systems are Important 1992 Maurer H. IIG 17.11.1995
П Hyper-G: A Large Universal Hypermedia System and Some Spin-Offs 1993 Kappe F., Maurer H. IIG 17.11.1995
П Hypermedia Efforts and Hypermedia Philosophy at the Graz University of Technology 1993 Maurer H. IIG 17.11.1995
СТ A New Hypermedia Data Model 1993 Maurer H., Scherbakov N., Srinivasan P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.11.1993
СТ Structured Browsing of Hypermedia Databases 1993 Maurer H., Kappe F., Scherbakov N., Srinivasan P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.11.1993
П From Personal Computer to Personal Assistant 1994 Lennon J., Maurer H. IIG 17.11.1995
СТ Learning Theoretical Aspects is Important but (Sometimes) Dangerous 1994 Maurer H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12.07.1994
СТ Semantic Modeling of Object-Oriented Hypermedia Databases 1995 Andrews K., Maurer H., Scherbakov N. Human-Computer Interaction: Proc./The 5th Intern. Conf., EWHCI 95. 30.05.1996
СТ Hypermedia Systems as Internet Tools 1995 Maurer H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computer Science Today 01.12.1995
СТ On Some New Aspects of Networked Multimedia Systems 1995 Maurer H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.01.1996
СТ Document Linking and Embedding: A New Hypermedia Structuring Paradigm 1996 Maurer H., Scherbakov N. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 07.06.1996
СТ Important Aspect of Knowledge Management 2003 Maurer H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.03.2003
