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Nuseibeh B.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ An Abductive Approach for Analysing Event-Based Requirements Specifications 2002 Russo A., Miller R., Nuseibeh B., Kramar J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.08.2002
СТ Decentralised Process Modelling 1995 Nuseibeh B., Kramer J., Finkelstein A., Leonardt U. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.04.1995
СТ Inconsistency Handling in Multi-Perspective Specifications 1993 Finkelstein A., Gabbay D., Hunter A., Kramer J., Nuseibeh B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.10.1993
СТ Leveraging Inconsistency in Software Development 2000 Nuseibeh B., Easterbrook S., Russo A. Computer 10.06.2000
СТ Managing Inconsistent Specifications: Reasoning, Analysis, and Action 1998 Hunter A., Nuseibeh B. ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology 05.05.1999
СТ Method Integration and Support for Distributed Software Development: An Overview 1996 Kramer J., Finkelstein A., Nuseibeh B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10.07.1996
СТ Problem Frames: A Case for Coordination 2004 Barroca L., Fiadeiro J. L., Jackson M., Laney R., Nuseibeh B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.03.2004
СТ When Agents Clash 1996 Nuseibeh B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.11.1996