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Fugini M. G.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Corrigenda a Hierarchy-Aware Approach to Faceted Classification of Object-Oriented Components 1999 Damiani E., Fugini M. G., Bellettini C. ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology 01.06.2000
СТ A Hierarchy-Aware Approach to Faceted Classification of Object-Oriented Components 1999 Damiani E., Fugini M. G., Bellettini C. ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology 02.11.1999
СТ Conceptual Schema Analysis: Techniques and Applications 1998 Castano S., De Antonellis V., Fugini M. G., Pernici B. ACM Trans. on Database Systems 22.09.1999
СТ An Environment for Designing Exceptions in Workflows 1998 Casati F., Fugini M. G., Mirbel I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.06.1998
СТ A Descriptor-Based Approach to 00 Code Reuse 1997 Damiani E., Fugini M. G., Fusaschi E. Computer 22.01.1998
СТ Analysis of an Inventory of Information Systems in the Public Administration 1996 Batini C., Castano S., De Antonellis V., Fugini M. G., Pernici B. Requirements Engineering 11.10.1996
СТ Retrieval of Reusable Components in a Development Information System 1993 Fugini M. G., Faustle S. Advances in Software Reuse (Selected Papers from the Second Intern. Workshop on Software Reusability) 25.11.1993
СТ Application Development through Reuse the ITHACA Tools Environment 1992 Fugini M. G., Nierstrasz O., Pernici B. SIGOIS Bull. 08.10.1992
СТ An Authorization Mechanism for Unix-Based Cooperative Environments 1991 Fugini M. G., Bellinzona R., Martella G. Information Systems 07.02.1992