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Yakhno T. M.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Using the ECLiPSe Interval Domain Library in CAD 1997 Yakhno T. M., Ziberfaine V. Z., Petrov E. S. ICL Systems J. 01.08.1998
СТ New Facilities of Constraint Logic Programming 1998 Rigg M., Yakhno T. M., Petrov E. S. ИНПРИМ-98 27.06.1998
СТ LogiCalc: Integrating Constraint Programming and Subdefinite Models 1996 Yakhno T. M., Petrov E. S. PACT 96: Proc. of the Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Constraint Technology. 06.04.1998
СТ Application of Subdefinite Models for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems 1996 Yakhno T. M., Petrov E. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.02.1997
СТ A Method of Constraint Propagation Applied to Planning Route in GIS 1996 Cheblakov G. B., Yakhno T. M. Информатика окружающей среды 19.02.1996
СТ FISSURE: FInder of Solutions with SUbdefinite Resources 1996 Yakhno T. M., Cheblakov G. B., Zilberfain V. Z. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.02.1996
СТ Application of Subdefinite Calculations to the Problems of Computer Design 1995 Yakhno T. M., Cheblakov G. B., Zilberfain V. Z. Intern. Conf. AMCA-95: Advanced Mathematics, Computations and Applications. Abstracts Kos-Z 03.07.1995