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Kiczales G.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Modeling Crosscutting in Aspect-Oriented Mechanisms 2003 Masuhara H., Kiczales G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.09.2003
СТ A Compilation and Optimization Model for Aspect-Oriented Programs 2003 Masuhara H., Kiczales G., Dutchyn C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.04.2003
СТ An Overview of AspectJ 2001 Kiczales G., Hilsdale E., Hugunin J., Kerster M., Palm J., Griswold W. G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.07.2001
СТ Aspect-Oriented Programming 1997 Kiczales G., Lamping J., Mendhekar A., Maeda C., Lopes C., Loingtier J. -M., Irwin J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.07.1997
СТ Avoiding Confusion in Metacircularity: The Meta-Helix 1996 Chiba S., Kiczales G., Lamping J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.03.1996
СТ Traces (A Cut at the "Make Isn t Generic" Problem) 1993 Kiczales G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.11.1993
СТ Issues in the Design and Specification of Class Libraries 1992 Kiczales G., Lamping J. SIGPLAN Notices 15.12.1992