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Levene M.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Why Is the Snowflake Schema a Good Data Warehouse Design? 2003 Levene M., Loizou G. Information Systems 08.03.2003
СТ The Additivity Problem for Data Dependencies in Incomplete Relational Databases 1998 Levene M., Loizou G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.03.1998
СТ The Development of Ordered SQL Packages for Modeling Advanced Applications 1997 Ng W., Levene M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.09.1997
СТ A Nested-Graph Model for the Representation and Manipulation of Complex Objects 1994 Poulovassilis A., Levene M. ACM Trans. Information Systems 19.04.1994
СТ Implementation of a Graph-Based Data Model for Complex Objects 1993 Levene M., Poulovassilis A., Benkerimi K., Schwartz S., Tuv E. SIGMOD Record 16.02.1994
СТ Semantics for Null Extended Nested Relations 1993 Levene M., Loizou G. ACM Trans. Database Systems 03.11.1993
СТ A Storage Manager for the Hypernode Model 1992 Tuv E., Poulovassilis A., Levene M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.07.1992