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Ramakrishna Y. S.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ An Efficient Meta-lock for Implementing Ubiquitous Synchronization 1999 Agesen O., Detlefs D., Garthwaite A., Knippel R., Ramakrishna Y. S., White D. SIGPLAN Notices 21.12.1999
СТ Fighting Livelock in the i-Protocol: A Comparative Study of Verification Tools 1999 Dong Y., Du X., Ramakrishna Y. S., Ramakrishnan C. R., Ramakrishnan I. V., Smolka S. A., Sokolovsky O., Stark E. W., Warren D. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.04.1999
СТ Software Design, Specification, and Verification: Lessons Learned from the Rether Case Study 1997 Du X., Mcdonnell K. T., Nanos E., Ramakrishna Y. S., Smolka S. A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.12.1997
СТ A Graphical Interval Logic for Specifying Concurrent Systems 1994 Dillon L. K., Kutty G., Moser L. E., Melliar-Smith P. M., Ramakrishna Y. S. ACM Trans. Software Engineering and Methodology 14.12.1994
СТ First-Order Future Interval Logic 1994 Kutty G., Moser L. E., Melliar-Smith P. M., Dillon L. K., Ramakrishna Y. S. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11.08.1994
СТ A Real-Time Interval Logic and Its Decision Procedure 1993 Ramakrishna Y. S., Dillon L. K., Moser L. E., Melliar-Smith P. M., Kutty G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.01.1994
СТ A Grafical Interval Logic Toolset for Verifying Concurrent Systems 1993 Kutty G., Ramakrishna Y. S., Moser L. E., Dillon L. K., Melliar-Smith P. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.08.1993
СТ An Automata-Theoretic Decision Procedure for Future Interval Logic 1992 Ramakrishna Y. S., Dillon L. K., Moser L. E., Melliar-Smith P. M., Kutty G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.12.1992