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Nepomniaschy V. A.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Invariant Elimination of Definite Iterations over Arrays in C Programs Verification 2018 Maryasov I. V., Nepomniaschy V. A., Kondratyev D. A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.08.2018
СТ Verification of Definite Interaction over Arrays with a Loop Exit in C Programms 2017 Maryasov L. V., Nepomniaschy V. A., Kondratyev D. A. Тезисы семинара "Программные семантики, спецификации и верификация" 25.08.2017
СТ Deductive formal verification of search programs in arrays of arbitrary size for abstract register machines 2014 Chkliaev D. A., Nepomniaschy V. A. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 01.09.2015
СТ Format verification of programs for abstract register machines 2013 Chkliaev D. A., Nepomniaschy V. A. Computer Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 24.03.2014
СТ Automatic C Program Verification Based on Mixed Axiomatic Semantics 2013 Maryasov I. V., Nepomniaschy V. A., Promsky A. V., Kondratyev D. A. Proceedings of the 8th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia 09.08.2013
СТ Verification of UCM-Specifications of Distributed Systems Using Coloured Petri Nets 2013 Vizovitin N. V., Nepomniaschy V. A., Stenenko A. A. Proceedings of the 8th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia 08.08.2013
СТ Two-level mixed verification method of C-light programs in terms of safety logic 2012 Anureev I. S., Maryasov I. V., Nepomniaschy V. A. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 26.03.2013
СТ Deductive Verification of the Classical Sliding Window Protocol 2012 Chkliaev D. A., Nepomniaschy V. A. Conference proceedings 01.10.2012
СТ Specification and verification of the classical sliding window protocol 2011 Chkliaev D. A., Nepomniaschy V. A. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 03.04.2012
СТ Application of Modified Coloured Petri Nets to Modeling and Verification of SDL Specified Communication Protocols 2007 Nepomniaschy V. A., Alekseev G. I., Argirov V. S., Beloglazov D. M., Bystrov A. V., Chetvertakov E. A., Churina T. G., Mylnikov S. P., Novikov R. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.11.2007
СТ Modeling and verification of SDL specified distributed systems using high-level Petri nets 2004 Nepomniaschy V. A., Argirov V. S., Beloglazov D. M., Bystrov A. V., Churina T. G., Mashukov M. Yu., Novikov R. M. Humboldt Univ. Berlin Concurrency, Specification and Programming - CS&P 2004 01.09.2006
СТ Symbolic verification method for definite iterations over tuples of altered data structures 2006 Nepomniaschy V. A. Bull. Novosibirsk Computing Center. Ser.: Computer Science 28.04.2006
П Toward C# Program Verification: A Three-level Approach 2005 Nepomniaschy V. A., Anureev I. S., Dubranovsky I. V., Promsky A. V. IIS SB RAS 30.12.2005
СТ A Three-Level Approach to C# Program Verification 2004 Nepomniaschy V. A., Anureev I. S., Dubranovsky I. V., Promsky A. V. Computer Science Joint Bull. of NCC and IIS 22.10.2004
СТ Towards Verification od SDL specified distributed systems: coloured Petri nets approach 2001 Churina T. G., Mashukov M. Yu., Nepomniaschy V. A. Concurrency Specification and Programming Proceedings of the CS&P 2001 19.10.2004
СТ Towards Verification of Estelle-specified Communication Protocols: Coloured Petri Net Approach 1998 Nepomniaschy V. A., Alekseev G. I., Bystrov A. V., Churina T. G., Okunishnikova E. V. IEEE Computer Society 19.10.2004
СТ Verification-Oriented Language C-Light and Its Structural Operational Semantics 2003 Nepomniaschy V. A., Anureev I. S., Promsky A. V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.02.2004
СТ Basic-REAL: Integrated Approach for Design, Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems 2002 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V., Bodin E. V., Kozura V. E. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.06.2002
П A New Language Basic-Real for Specification and Verification of Distributed System Models 1999 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V., Bodin E. V. Inst. of Informatics Systems 19.10.1999
СТ Symbolic Verification Method for Definite Iteration over Data Structures 1999 Nepomniaschy V. A. Information Processing Letters 26.05.1999
СТ Verification of Definite Iteration over Hierarchical Data Structures 1999 Nepomniaschy V. A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.04.1999
СТ On a Symbolic Method of Verification for Definite Interaction over Data Structures 1996 Nepomniaschy V. A. Computer Science Joint Bull. of NCC and IIS 25.03.1999
СТ Formal Semantics and Verification of Distributed Systems Presented by Basic-REAL Specifications 1997 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V., Bodin E. V. Computer Science Joint Bull. of NCC and IIS 24.03.1999
СТ On a Symbolic Method of Verification for Definite Iteration Over Data Structures 1996 Nepomniaschy V. A. Joint Bull. of NCC and IIS 12.02.1998
СТ Verification of Definite Iteration over Data Structures without Invariants 1997 Nepomniaschy V. A. Proc. of the 12th Intern. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences 06.01.1998
СТ Formal Semantics of Real-Time System Specification Language Basic-Real 1994 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V., Bodin E. V. ИСИ СО РАН Specification, Verification and Net Models of Concurrent Systems 29.11.1995
СТ Towards Automatic Program Verification: Problem-Oriented Knowledge Bases 1994 Nepomniaschy V. A., Sulimov A. A. ИСИ СО РАН Specification, Verification and Net Models of Concurrent Systems 28.11.1995
СТ Petri Net Modelling of Estelle-specified Communication Protocols 1995 Nepomniaschy V. A., Alekseev G. I., Bystrov A. V., Churina T. G., Mylnikov S. P., Okunishnikova E. V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Parallel Computing Technologies 17.10.1995
СТ REAL92: A Combined Specification Language for Real-Time Concurrent Systems and Properties 1993 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.11.1993
СТ Problem-oriented verification system and its application to linear algebra program 1991 Nepomniaschy V. A., Sulimov A. A. Current Topics in Informatics Systems Research 13.10.1993
СТ Non-deterministic program schemata and their relation to dynamic logic 1987 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V. Mathematical Logic and Its Applications: Proc./Advanced Intern. Summer School, Bulgaria 13.10.1993
СТ Program schemata technique for decidability of propositional dynamic logic variants 1988 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V. Proc.Intern.Conf. in Computer Logic (COLOG-88), Tallinn 13.10.1993
СТ Conditions for the algorithmic completeness of system of operations 1972 Nepomniaschy V. A. Proc. IFIP Congress 71 11.10.1993
СТ On divergence problem for program schemes 1976 Nepomniaschy V. A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.10.1993
СТ Zur Vollstandigkeit von Befehlssystemen 1978 Nepomniaschy V. A., Voelkel L. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 11.10.1993
СТ On divergence and halting problems for monadic programs schemes 1978 Nepomniaschy V. A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.10.1993
СТ Problem-Oriented Means of Program Specification and Verification in Project SPECTRUM 1993 Nepomniaschy V. A., Sulimov A. A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.10.1993
СТ Improved Upper Bounds for Propositional Dynamic Logic Variants 1989 Nepomniaschy V. A., Shilov N. V. Methods of Theoretical and Experimental Computer Science 02.12.1992


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Joint Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computer Center and A. P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems 2000
  1. Kuzin V. I.
  2. Bandman O. L.
  3. Pottosin I. V.
  4. Nepomniaschy V. A.
Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Division 06.03.2001
СБ Joint Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center and the Institute of Informatics Systems 1996
  1. Vasilenko V. A.
  2. Laevsky Yu. M.
  3. Pottosin I. V.
  4. Nepomniaschy V. A.
Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Division 12.02.1998
СБ Specification, Verification, and Net Models of Concurrent Systems 1994
  1. Nepomniaschy V. A.
ИСИ СО РАН 28.11.1995