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Kfoury A. J.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ On the Expressive Power of Finitely Typed and Universally Polymorphic Recursive Procedures 1992 Kfoury A. J., Tiuryn J., Urzyczyn P. Theoretical Computer Science 29.02.1992
СТ Type Reconstruction in the Presence of Polymorphic Recursion 1993 Kfoury A. J., Tiurin J., Urzyczen P. ACM Trans. Programming Languages and Systems 28.05.1993
СТ An Analysis of ML Typability 1994 Kfoury A. J., Tiuryn J., Urzyczyn P. J. of the ACM 14.06.1994
СТ A Direct Algorithm for Type Inference in the Rank-2 Fragment of the Second-Order -Calculus 1994 Kfoury A. J., Wells J. B. LISP Pointers 16.01.1995
СТ Recursion Versus Iteration at Higher-Orders 1997 Kfoury A. J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.01.1998
СТ System E: Expansion Variables for Flexible Typing with Linear and Non-linear Types and Intersection Types 2004 Carlier S., Polakow J., Wells J. B., Kfoury A. J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.04.2004