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Dutta S.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Benchmarking European Software Management Practices 1998 Dutta S., Van Wassenhove L. N., Kulandaiswamy S. Communications of the ACM 07.07.1998
СТ Code Generation for Complex Subscripts in Data-Parallel Programs 1998 Ramanujam J., Dutta S., Venkatachar A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.06.1998
СТ Designing Management Support Systems using an Integrative Perspective 1997 Dutta S., Wierenga B., Dalebout A. Communications of the ACM 25.06.1997
СТ Software Development Productivity of European Space, Military, and Industrial Applications 1996 Maxwell K. D., Van Wassenhove L., Dutta S. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 20.02.1997
СТ Software Engineering in Europe: A Study of Best Practices 1999 Dutta S., Lee M., Van Wassenhove L. IEEE Software 25.08.1999