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Snodgrass R. T.


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СТ A Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts 1994 Jensen C. S., Clifford J., Elmasri R., Gadia S. K., Hayes P., Jajodia S., Dyreson C., Grandi F., Kafer W., Kline N., Lorentzos N., Mitsopoulos Y., Montanari A., Nonen D., Peressi E., Pernici B., Roddick J. F., Srada N. L., Scalas M. R., Segev A., Snodgrass R. T., Soo M. D., Tansel A., Tiberio P. SIGMOD Record 18.04.1994
СТ A Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts 1992 Jensen C. S., Clifford J., Gadia S. K., Segev A., Snodgrass R. T. SIGMOD Record 16.11.1992
СТ A Glossary of Time Granularity Concepts 1998 Bettini C., Dyreson C. E., Evans W. S., Snodgrass R. T., Wang X. S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.06.1998
СТ A Tale of Two Schemas: Creating a Temporal XML Schema from a Snapshot Schema with tiXSchema 2004 Currim F., Currim S., Dyreson C., Snodgrass R. T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.04.2004
СТ An Extensible Notation for Spatiotemporal Index Queries 1998 Tsotras V. J., Jensen C. S., Snodgrass R. T. SIGMOD Record 03.08.1998
СТ Bibliography on Spatiotemporal Databases 1993 Al-Taha K. K., Snodgrass R. T., Soo M. D. SIGMOD Record 14.04.1993
СТ DISTIL: A Design Support Environment for Conceptual Modeling of Spatio-temporal Requirements 2001 Ram S., Snodgrass R. T., Khatri V., Hwang Y. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.11.2001
СТ Evaluation Relational Algebras Incorporating the Time Dimention in Databases 1991 Mckenzie L. E., Snodgrass R. T. ACM Computing Surveys 04.03.1992
СТ Modification semantics in now-relative databases 2004 Torp K., Jensen Ch. S., Snodgrass R. T. Information Systems Information Systems 28.10.2004
СТ Querying TSQL2 Databases with Temporal Logic 1996 Bohlen M. H., Chomicki J., Snodgrass R. T., Toman D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.04.1996
СТ Semantics of Time-Varying Attributes and Their Use for Temporal Database Design 1996 Jensen C. S., Snodgrass R. T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10.02.1996
СТ Semantics of Time-Varying Information 1996 Jensen C. S., Snodgrass R. T. Information Systems 20.11.1996
СТ Supporting Valid-Time Indeterminacy 1998 Dyreson C. E., Snodgrass R. T. ACM Trans. on Database Systems 24.03.1999
СТ TSQL2 Language Specification 1994 Snodgrass R. T., Ahn I., Ariav G., Batory D., Clifford J., Dyreson C. E., Elmasri R., Grandi F., Jensen C. S., Kafer W., Kline N., Kulkarni K., Leung T.Y. C., Lorentzos N., Roddick J. F., Segev A., Soo M. D., Sripada S. M. SIGMOD Record 18.04.1994
СТ Temporal Data Management 1999 Jensen C. S., Snodgrass R. T. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27.05.1999
СТ The Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts - February 1998 Version 1998 Jensen C. S., Dyreson C. E., Bohlen M., Clifford J., Elmasri R., Gadia S. K., Grandi F., Hayes P., Jajodia S., Kafer W., Kline N., Lorentzos N., Mitsopoulos Y., Montanari A., Nonen D., Peressi E., Pernici B., F Roddickj., Sarda N. L., Scalas M. R., Segev A., Snodgrass R. T., Soo M. D., Tansel A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.06.1998
СТ Timestamp Semantics and Representation 1993 Dyreson C. E., Snodgrass R. T. Information Systems 22.10.1993
СТ Towards an Infrastructure for Temporal Databases: Report of an Invitational ARPA/NSF Workshop 1994 Pissinou N., Snodgrass R. T., Elmasri R., Mumick I. S., Ozsu M. T., Pernici B., Segev A., Theodoulidis B., Dayal U. SIGMOD Record 18.04.1994
СТ Transitioning Temporal Support in TSQL2 to SQL3 1998 Snodgrass R. T., Bohlen M. H., Jensen C. S., Steiner A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.06.1998
СТ Unifying Temporal Data Models via a Conceptual Model 1994 Jensen C. S., Soo M. D., Snodgrass R. T. Information Systems 15.12.1994