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Varpaaniemi K.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ The Stubborn Set Method in Practice 1992 Varpaaniemi K., Rauhamaa M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.07.1992
П PROD - A Pr/T- Net Reachability Analysis Tool 1993 Gronberg P., Tiusanen M., Varpaaniemi K. Helsinki Univ. Technology 14.07.1993
СТ Dynamically Stubborn Sets and the Sleep Set Method 1994 Varpaaniemi K. Concurrency Specification and Programming: Proc./CS&P 93 Workshop, Nieborow near Warsaw, Poland, 14-16 October 1993 28.10.1994
СТ Dynamically Stubborn Sets and the Sleep Set Methhod 1994 Varpaaniemi K. Univ.Warsaw, Humboldt Univ. Berlin Proceedings of the CS@P 93 Workshop 09.11.1995
СТ Finding Small Stubborn Sets Automatically 1996 Varpaaniemi K. ISCIS XI: Proc. of the Eleventh Intern. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences. Antalya, Turkey, November 1996 06.12.1996
СТ On Stubborn Sets in the Verification of Linear Time Temporal Properties 1998 Varpaaniemi K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 04.07.1998