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Kumagai S.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Survey of Object-Oriented Petri Nets and Analysis Methods 2005 Miyamoto T., Kumagai S. IEICE Transactions 21.02.2006
СТ Activities on Net Theory in Japan 1994 Kumagai S. IEICE Trans. 09.12.1994
СТ Application to Petri Nets to Sequence Control 1993 Nagao Y., Urabe H., Nakano S., Kumagai S. IEICE Trans. 20.04.1994
СТ Complete Structural Characterization of State Machine Allocatable Nets 1991 Lee D., Kumagai S., Kodama S. IEICE Trans. 19.12.1991
СТ Equivalent Net Reduction for Firing Sequence 1995 Nakagawa M., Kumagai S., Miyamoto T., Lee S. IEICE Trans. 10.04.1996
СТ Extracting E-R Models from Collaboration Analysis Methods, MCM, and CLM 2002 Kamimura M., Kato N., Kawabata R., Kumagai S., Itoh K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.11.2002
СТ Handles and Reachability Analysis of Free Choice Nets 1995 Lee D. -I., Kumagai S., Kodama S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 05.07.1995
СТ Reachabilty Theorem for a Class of Live and Safe Free Choice Nets 1991 Lee D., Kumagai S., Kodama S. IEICE Trans. 19.12.1991