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Leone N.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Disjunctive Logic Programs with Inheritance 1999 Buccafurri F., Faber W., Leone N. Logic Programming 07.03.2001
СТ On Tractable Queries and Constraints 1999 Gottlob G., Leone N., Scarcello F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.10.1999
СТ The Expressive Power of Partial Models for Disjunctive Deductive Databases 1996 Eiter T., Leone N., Sacca D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.11.1996
СТ Stable Model Checking for Disjunctive Logic Programs 1996 Leone N., Rullo P., Scarcello F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.11.1996
СТ Disjunctive Ordered Logic 1995 Buccafurri F., Leone N., Palopoli L., Rullo P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Database and Expert Systems Applications 15.11.1995
СТ Second Order Logic and the Weal Exponential Hierarchies 1995 Gottlob G., Leone N., Veith H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1995 21.10.1995
СТ Complexity Results for Abductive Logic Programming 1995 Eiter T., Gottlob G., Leone N. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 06.07.1995
СТ Effective Implementation of Negation in Database Logic Query Languages 1993 Leone N., Romeo M., Rullo P., Sacca D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.10.1993
СТ Safe Computation of the Well-Founded Semantics of Datalog Queries 1992 Leone N., Rullo P. Information Systems 19.06.1992
СТ The KIWIS Knowledge Base Management System 1991 Ahlsen M., D Atri A., Johannesson P., Laenes E., Leone N., Rullo P., Rossi P., Staes F., Tarantino L., Van Beirendonck L., Van Cadsand F., Van Santvilet W., Vanslembrouck J., Verdonk B., Vermeir D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.06.1991