СТ |
Metriks for XML Document Collections |
2002 |
Klettke M., Schneider L., Heuer A. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
26.12.2002 |
СТ |
What Do Hyperlink-Proposals and Request-Prediction Have in Common? |
2000 |
Haffner E. -G., Roth U., Heuer A., Engel T., Meinel C. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
14.12.2000 |
СТ |
Query Rewriting and Search in CROQUE |
1999 |
Kroger J., Illner R., Rost S., Heuer A. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
21.10.1999 |
СТ |
Query Evaluation in CROQUE - Calculus and Algebra Coincide |
1997 |
Grust T., Kroger J., Gluche D., Heuer A., Scholl M. H. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
31.07.1997 |
СТ |
Query Optimization in the CROQUE Projekt |
1996 |
Heuer A., Kroger J. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Database and Expert Systems Applications |
29.10.1996 |
СТ |
Using SQL wuth Object-Oriented Databases |
1993 |
Van Den Bussche J., Heuer A. |
Information Systems |
10.03.1994 |
СТ |
Optimierung in OSCAR |
1991 |
Heuer A. |
Grundlagen von Datenbanken |
14.09.1991 |