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Kemerer C. F.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ An Empirical Approach to Studying Software Evolution 1999 Kemerer C. F., Slaughter S. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 30.12.1999
СТ Progress, Obstacles, and Opportunities in Software Engineering Economics 1998 Kemerer C. F. Communications of the ACM 18.08.1998
СТ Object Technology and Reuse: Lessons from Early Adopters 1997 Fichman R. G., Kemerer C. F. Computer 22.01.1998
СТ Software Complexity and Maintenance Costs 1993 Banker R. D., Datar S. M., Kemerer C. F., Zweig D. Communications of the ACM 27.12.1993
СТ Reliability of Function Points Measurement: A Field Experiment 1993 Kemerer C. F. Communications of the ACM 03.03.1993